The Cost of Silence: Examining Exploitation and Its Consequences

No matter where you look, exploitation happens everywhere. Everyone exploits those who are poorer than themselves. We see this around us many times, but not everyone stands up to help, nor are many of those who are being exploited here able to do so. Mostly this happens with those who work somewhere. It is a compulsion for everyone who does a job because hardly anyone would want to be someone's servant and listen to things. People take advantage of this and take advantage of our helplessness. Because they also know that he is going to leave here and go somewhere else, otherwise they think of working by creating pressure. But I believe that by doing this, even though he is getting his work done, his respect gradually decreases.

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You too might have seen this happening everywhere, if you work because most people do the same. Someone with a big post beats up someone with a small post and most people are not able to say anything due to compulsion and what is enough to see. Sadly, even his colleagues do not support him many times. But I am not saying that everyone is like this, in many places there is no such culture, and in many places, people help each other a lot, but in the places I go, it is like this, everyone tries to pull each other's leg and Tries to be his best self. But perhaps in all these things, one forgets that karma comes back again and whatever you do, you too have to suffer. So whatever step you take, take it very thoughtfully because you will have to suffer the same consequences as you are now.

Some people in our office also do the same with new people and this is a very common thing, it happens everywhere in the corporate world. But just because it happens does not mean you should also do the same, you can bring change. Now everyone's thinking cannot be the same, everyone's thinking is different and everyone thinks in different ways because as many people think as they do. In our office, some seniors put a lot of pressure on the juniors and believe me, they could not even say anything because they too have a compulsion because when the time for increment finally comes, the report is sought from the seniors only, then if they do not listen to them throughout the year. If they don't work as per their wish, then perhaps when it comes to increasing their salary, he can give it a bigger increase or maybe not.

This is also a very common thing and it is seen everywhere, I believe that as far as I understand the corporate world, I don't have much experience but still. This happened only a few weeks ago when some seniors were pressuring the juniors to do the work, so I did not say anything for a day or two but decided to speak because they were not saying anything. Because they were in danger of losing their jobs or It may affect their salary increase, whatever it was, they were scared. But I talked to him directly about this and believe me, his problem was not big but it reduced, his workload also got done and the other seniors also understood and accepted my point and decided to distribute their work among the remaining employees.

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I always try to live in harmony with everyone and not fight with anyone, but sometimes the time comes when you have to stand up and there is no way left, which we call 'do or die situation arises. Until you do something, you just keep thinking about it in your mind. I believe that if something is going on in your mind then you should share it with others, maybe you are thinking right. Whether I am right or wrong, how will the next person know unless I share it with you? When I raised my voice for my juniors, I was also scared, but I didn't believe it, I didn't care about everything, I don't know why, maybe there is something strange but it's okay.

I did not support everyone or be bad to anyone, it was just that I felt wronged so I stood up for them and helped them. It doesn't matter to me whether they are happy with it or not but I know that now there is less pressure on them than before or it feels good to see and it also improves the atmosphere of the office because it will also be clean to the nines. Some people are working the whole day and some people are having fun. Every day is not the same, sometimes a day goes bad but the next day will be better. We should start a new day with the hope that we should not spoil our day by thinking about the past.If you feel that something like this is happening around you, and if you can raise your voice for them, then do so. What do you think about this?


see you in the next post. Keep learning and keep exploring...

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Never forget one thing you should be grateful for because someone has a dream of what you have. So learn to be grateful. Be Thankful.🙏😀

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