Overcoming Limiting Beliefs: Building Confidence for Success

Most of us want to achieve many things in life but there are many reasons due to which we are not able to achieve them. We do not get any opportunities again and again in life, so before making any decision, we must think about it once because we cannot improve anything by going into the past. Yes, sometimes we do get a chance to improve things but this does not happen all the time. Perhaps you cannot go back to your childhood and do what you want to improve because in childhood our mentality and our intelligence are of a different level and as we grow up, so does our physical level. Keeps falling apart. Each one of us wants different things and wants to achieve different things, but I think one of the biggest things that we all need is to be able to talk with someone who is comfortable and there is confidence in everyone. No one has it inside them, but today's youth are much more confident and comfortable as I can see.


If I had a chance to improve my life, I would go back to my childhood and make a lot of changes in myself and the biggest change I would make would be to get out of my comfort zone and do things that I never did like extracurricular activities. Participating in many more things boosts my confidence. Yes, although I am average in my studies, I never participate in other activities due to which I had to face trouble for a long time and perhaps there are some shortcomings in me. It is still left. If you have been a bit introverted since childhood and you are a shy person, then you have had to face so many things as you grow.

And this is also a tricky thing if you are introverted and of the right kind in childhood, then perhaps many people take advantage of your compulsion and many times they sell plants to you by running such schemes. You get trapped in such things. You may never want to go. The biggest thing that I would like to change would be that I would like to improve my confidence and will participate in such things since childhood which will increase my confidence like participating in activities and other things which will help me a lot It is also very important, nowadays we see how there are many activities in schools and children also participate in them very enthusiastically. Yes, not everyone does this because shy and introverted people are found everywhere and this is still the case. The big thing is that you cannot do everything right in a pinch, but gradually you can make things normal and make yourself a better person. Things take some time.



I believe here that if you are confident and have skills then you can achieve anything. If you are not confident and you go to do something then your performance will automatically fall there. If you are confident then you do You will give your hundred per cent in whatever you do and your attention will not be diverted to other things and this is very important if you want to do anything successfully. If you are not confident then you feel a little nervous in doing any work and you are not able to do things well as a result of you do things wrong and after that your confidence deteriorates further. If you are doing something with full confidence and then that thing becomes successful, then you become very happy. Keep in mind that you should never do anything with overconfidence, it can also be harmful. There are some such people around you. You must have seen people who tell lies with so much confidence that the next person also starts accepting their lies as truth.

I just want the same level of confidence which I don't have but if I get a chance then I would like to go back to my childhood and improve all these things and I think that if I achieve all these things then I will be better. I will emerge as a better human being but to be honest, it is not possible for you to do so, still, I am trying my best to come out of my comfort zone, I am doing a lot for this, and I hope it is in small ways. Step by Step will help me achieve many big and small milestones in my life. What do you think about this?

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see you in the next post. Keep learning and keep exploring...

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Never forget one thing you should be grateful for because someone has a dream of what you have. So learn to be grateful. Be Thankful.🙏😀

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