

Like we all know, A crime is an unlawfull or illegal act that attracts punishment/ sanction from the state ~ Legally speaking. I'd like to call the act of committing a crime a Deviant behaviour and by Deviant behaviour I mean a behaviour that sufficiently varies from the norms, rules and regulations of a particular society or Social group. A Deviant behaviour is a behaviour that is not socially acceptable.

The term Crime, has become predominant in our society today and the rate of criminal activities are beginning to get very alarming so the day goes by.

Being a person who is interested in studying the society, how people interact in a social context and how these interactions impact their individual lives, whenever I see people doing things, I try not to focus only on what they do. To me, it's not all about what people do but why they do those things,( the reasons behind their actions) I believe there's a driving force behind every action and that is what you should be more focused on.


Back to the question for today

Well, There are so many reasons why people commit crime just like many of us have stated already.
But I would like to look at crime from another Angle ~ From the Angle Of Strain. Sociologists call It -"The Strain Theory"
Simply Put The strain theory states too much strain from the society can make people engage themselves In certain crimes even when they do not want to.

This theory was first used by Emile Durkheim in his work which was the first modern strain theory of crime and Deviance and was later developed by the American sociologist Robert K. Merton, in the 1930's.
I totally agree with these sociologist when they say that the pressure derived from some social factors such as lack of food, lack of income, lack of jobs, lack of good education drive many individuals to commit crime.
Yahoo yahoo, cyber crimes, rituals, Fraudulent Acts, Robbery and many other types of crimes have now become the other of the day because people are faced with so much pressure and some just have to survive.
Many youths are idle and do not have any tangible thing doing.
The Lack in employment opportunities is what is pushing our youths into doing things they don't want to.
There are no jobs, even when you finally get one, Its not good enough, you just have to manage. People work all day long and at the end of the day their Salary won't even be enough to purchase a bag of rice. Delayed salaries, Non/Little pay, insecurity, inflation, bad Governance, corruption and many factors contributes to the crime rate in our country.

Sometimes Whene I look at the my society, all I see is STRAIN


Let me break this down;

  • Oh am sick, let me go a Public Hospital~strain
  • I have some serious issues with my bank~strain (some banks will frustrate on top on your own money)
  • I want to go to school (Higher institutions)~strain
    Thank God, I am finally in the university~Strain
  • Out of school, I need a job~strain.
    I have served all these years working as a civil servant, Its time to go get my pension and gratuity ~ Strain
    (An elderly man/Woman sitting out under the sun, waiting for hours for something that belongs to them, something they worked for)

This post will be too long if I get into all the details and explain everything but come on, Am sure you know what I mean.

A lot of people go through stuffs they should not because of our Bad government, unstable Economy, Corrupt and evil Leaders Red-Tapism( too many damn processes), mismanagement of Resources and National funds.
many cannot handle it, So they go ahead and commit crimes.

I am not writing this to Justify the wrong doing of anyone, I believe even through all these, Hard work, Diligence and Determination still pays. But we can not deny the fact that there's so much strain coming from the society and it is one of the factors that's contributing immensely to the high rate of crime we see happening everywhere today.




If only things would be better and justice would prevail I believe the rate of crime will be reduced for the betterment of everybody in the society.



I feel that Our resources should be managed properly, in such a way that it will go round so that everyone would benefit from it. Also there should be more Employment Opportunities for young people.
Empowerment programs should be put in be place so that young people can learn and acquire new skills thereby enhancing Entrepreneurship.

In conclusion

I did not mention all these because I feel life should be easy, Life is never easy and am not Justifying anyone's wrong action.
All am saying is this;
I believe there will be less crime if there is less strain.

Alright guys. Thank you so much for reading.
Until next time,
Much love ❤️


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