Breaking Through The Web Of Sadness

No matter how much we try to be happy always, there must be days when sadness just makes its way through. I think most times the same way we can’t detect the outbreak of death that is the same way we can’t detect what will happen next that will make us sad or extremely happy. Nobody likes to be sad even if sometimes we feel some people are just naturally sadists, but I think deep down they also just want to be happy.


This case is similar to those who are depressed they do not like it there but then they find it difficult to be happy and break out of the web of sadness. To some, it is easy for them to move from being sad to being happy, while to others it is as difficult as passing a camel through the eye of a needle. Every individual has experienced these different phases of emotions both happiness and sadness but the most important thing is how easy is it for one to control their emotions.

I have experienced sadness and also depression before. During this period, I was grumpy and nothing could pull me out of my sad mood. Most times I could go days and nothing would be funny to me not even memes. At a point, I kept on wondering what could be the reason why I was this sad and I couldn’t even be happy. Those days were the darkest part of my life.


I also felt that maybe I was sad because I wasn’t achieving what I wanted to do. I was sad and depressed because I felt that my mates were all doing better and I didn’t know what step I was going to take. Some days I would be like maybe I should just watch funny videos or look at memes to take my mind off but it didn’t seem funny to me or make me laugh or happy. At one point I was asking myself if I was slowly moving on to be a sad depressed girl. I would always wish that I could just control my emotions.

It took me a long time before I realized that only I could make myself happy and only I could make myself sad. I own my emotions and the best I could do is have control over them. I decided to work on ways I could improve my sadness and I came to realize that talking to my family and friends is one way. Most days I could be extremely down and immediately I pick up the phone and talk to someone about it I am feeling better. I am always excited that I have positive people around me. People who wouldn’t judge me for thinking the way I think or being who I am. They let me know it was just a phase.

Also, another way I leave the web of sadness is by listening to different songs. I think my playlist is filled with so many songs that lift my spirit. I could be sad and then immediately I plug in my airpods, I forget the sad feeling I once had and then I am vibing to something cool and either singing out loud or dancing. I have come to understand that I have the power to move from sadness to happiness.


Sometimes, I try to avoid anything that will make me sad and I try to be happy, but life happens and we get news that makes us sad. The ultimate and most important thing is that I try not to dwell in sadness. Happiness makes one younger and more positive.

I choose to be happy.

All images used are mine except otherwise stated

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