A Junior Lecturer

Yes, we all have our offline lives. Things we do aside from blogging and living online. Most days it is difficult to balance these two lives as it is sometimes difficult at some point. Maybe too busy in the offline world and do not have time for things online. Or too busy online and not having time for things offline. Either way, we have been able to find a balance a few times.

Besides blogging online, I am a Junior Microbiology Lecturer in a Tertiary Health Institution and also an upcoming UI/UX designer. I turned out to be a young lecturer as a result of my NYSC (National Youth Service Corp). It is something that at first I didn’t want to do. I have always prayed that when I go for my Service year where I get to serve in another state, I would be allowed to work in a firm but I wasn’t.


When I got the opportunity to be a Junior Lecturer, I was excited because I felt better being a lecturer to undergraduates than teaching in a high school or Basic school. I know there’s not much difference since they both include teaching but as a lecturer it is less stressful and more fun, you have undergraduates who are going into the labor market soon and it is not difficult passing knowledge and getting them to understand.

As a Microbiology Lecturer, I teach different departments of Students, Microbiology, Pharmacy, Nutrition, and even Public Health. It is not a huge task as I studied microbiology in school and have a large knowledge of it. It feels like explaining to my Junior colleagues and I get to know how their minds work.


Also as a Junior Microbiology Lecturer, I carry out laboratory analysis with my students, teaching them how to perform several tests. I try to not only teach the theory but also guide them through the practical aspects so they can practice it if they decide to choose it as a career path.


Teaching is something that has a huge benefit in society, every leader once had a teacher, and every scientist once had a teacher as well. Whenever I teach I feel like I am sharing knowledge with them.


Even if they have no use for it now, they will have a use for it in the future. I make them understand that microbiology involves lives and the environment. I teach them how staying healthy could help prevent the spread of microorganisms and this way, they could pass on the information and little by little, the society knows more about their health.

A Decision

If I had the chance to change being a young microbiology lecturer to something else, yes I would make that decision. I think I am already working on a different career path. Something entirely different from Microbiology.

I love Microbiology, love teaching people about it but then I think there is something I love more than that and that is designing and also learning how to develop. So if I had the chance to make a different choice in life I would decide to be a UI/UX designer and a frontend developer. Well, I am working on that already.

All images used are mine except otherwise stated

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