SOME MISTAKES PEOPLE MAKE and possible ways to fix them.

Everyone sure wants a life that's standard, stress free and filled with love , attention and fulfilment but sometimes, we make mistakes that hinder us from achieving what with want and I'll like to address some of them and some ways to amend them.......
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Remember when you were a kid right?, Just so pure, not mixed or adulterated. Joy and peace was part of every day? We didn’t have to be cautious of ourselves, “or forget what makes me happy?” We just knew and made it our mission to do those happy things.

But adulthood and other responsibilities take us farther and far away from the pure happiness of our youth. (Adulthood na scam as I've always We get so caught up and engrossed in the work of life that we lose touch with the joy of living. This isn't right. I saw a movie where a handsome young man could not even take care of his relationship just because of work even when his source of joy was that relationship and he lost that joy.

How to fix
Shut yourself in a cluster and distraction free room( even if you don't have to do that) and try to remember those things that make you happy, schedule your time on how it'll bring happiness to yourself. If possible, write them down in order for you not to forget what brings you joy and do them more.


Believing in yourself is one of the best attributes that keeps one going in life we all know that. We put a lot of efforts in our beliefs. We've spent long time supporting them, cultivating them and providing to others that we have the best word on our subject.

We all do this with our beliefs, political mindset, sexuality, money, lifestyles, thoughts, point of view and any other lesser or greater areas of life where still feel we need to be compelled to take a stand.
But the truth is, once we are locked up in our own view or point of view of life, We end up losing.

We loose the opportunity to gain perspective, and a learners mindset to know more from others.

How To Fix:
This doesn't mean that you have to give up on your belief or point of view --just your disposition about them. Try to accommodate other people's point of view if possible, seek out other points of view. When given a research topic, the best information is gotten from various points of views and ideas compiled to become one. And you become a more interesting and understand person.

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Recently saw a post on twitter about one of the greatest wishes you have and someone replied saying, she wants to keeps spending and spending money without being broke. Now that's not a very bad wish though but......

We spend money on impulse most times, buying petty stuffs to satisfy a brief whim, to fill a void, or to impress others. Some times, much of what we spend money on doesn’t offer any long term happiness, satisfaction or fulfillment.

Overspending often ties us down unknowingly and leads to complicating our lives, creating more tasks, more responsibilities and stuff that are uncalled for and we don't want.

How To Fix:
First thing to do is creating a budget for yourself as an adult, question yourself everytime you want to make a purchase or spend money on anything, "Why am I buying this?" " Does it offer a long-term fulfillment or satisfaction?" "Dies it meet a need?" " Can I truly afford it now?"
Focus your spending on primary wants, real needs and should enhancing materials.


Life experiences and lessons have taught us to put our heads in the sand when we don’t like what we see.

When things don't go as we planned, when people let us down, if things start looking unpleasant, if we fail to reach our expectations, we spend our beautiful, useful and precious time denying, pretending, and hiding in our own shadows. They say the truth is bitter yeah!!!. At the same time, the truth will set you free right? The painful truth seems extremely scary to face so, we end up wearying ourselves down trying to abstain from it.

How To Fix:
Truth remains that, you can't run a way from your shadows. Denying unpleasant and unexpected truth in life causes internal pain and long lasting tension as long as we keep trying to pretend and deny facts. Accepting, taking responsibility and facing the truth may cause brief pain, but the freedom and peace of living without fear and tension gives us the courage to move further in life with renewed hope and energy.

Is there anywhere you're denying reality? Pull the band and face it quickly my dear. It may sting a little but it'll only give you more hope and reason to be better.

Thanks for reading to the end guys i appreciate ♥️😊

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