My dream pets 🐕 🐈

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I've always seen, read and heard about how humans genuinely love their pets especially in white movies and all, and I always love seeing these movies, clips and reading these stories but I've never been given the opportunity to have and own a pet I'll call mine. Probably because of the kind of environment I grew up in or it's just my family that doesn't like pets but nonetheless, there are pets I dream of having one day.

It amazes me on the kind of love people shower on their pets, they seem to create this bond that's so rare but yet beautiful and these animals tend to resiprocate this love to humans back. There was an incident in my area that occured where a man sprayed some insecticides around the house but unknowingly, it seems the dog was allergic to it and it led to the death of the dog, that was the first time i saw people cry over an animal because I didn't know you could love and and find company in an animal. This made me ant to have a pet of mine which I'll love too. image source

A Dog
I've always nurtured the dream of having dogs preferably a Husky around me maybe it's because of their intelligent, playful and friendly nature, and their howling is so crazy😩. And they have a good nature of loving, being loyal, active and great companionships for their humans. I'll love to train them as puppies too.

Right now, the insecurity in my dear country is alarming so, the need of dogs for protection is needed. I believe security dogs like bull dogs are good protectors in time of danger like robbery's. I've learnt that dogs can even risk their life's for thier owners or who they've come to love. Don't get me wrong, I ain't getting a dog to die for me though.
I just hope I get a puppy sooner than later coz I'm craving for one☺️
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A Cat
This is where the issue is gonna be coz my family hates cats because they look creepy and suspicious. But I love them🥺, they feel so warm and comfy and they love cuddling just like I do. My mum says cats feel like they're the gods of humans because we decide to pet and care for them but dogs feel like we're the gods because we take care of them.
Cats have this long eyes in proportion to their bodies which make them cute, lovely, adorable and fiercely curious, independent and loyal too.

But in a country like Nigeria where a large population believes in supernatural powers, cats are like the agents of darkness 😹. But I see them as normal animals who I can keep as pets and love.
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But between these two, a dog will be much more easier to get and accepted by everyone so I'll go for the dog first and maybe when I get the opportunity, I'll get a cat☺️

Thanks for reading guys ☺️♥️

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