Computers are one of the things we can’t do without in the world today.

I sometimes ask myself what today’s society will look like without computers. Computers are one of the best inventions in the world today. It has made life easy beyond what words can explain.


However, if one is not careful, it might affect one’s life. For example, socially, academically, e.t.c. However, it has done more good than harm. It can only be harmful when one abuses it.

A computer has made it easy to send and receive messages. Without it, communication would be slow and limited. It contributed greatly to many sectors. For example, hospitals, transportation, education, banking, e.t.c. I don’t know how people in those days survived without it, but I believe life without computers in the world today would be difficult.

I still remember an experience I had when I lost my phone a few years back while I was still in school. I thought to myself that I would survive without it before I got another one, but little did I know that the phone was already part of me.

After two days, it started to occur to me that it would be very hard for me to cope without it. It limited my activities in terms of communication. Sometimes I have to walk down to some of my friends' houses to get some certain information, as I don’t have the means to reach them quickly.

During this period, my life is the real definition of a blackout. The only way I could get any information from the department was to walk down to school and check the notice board, which could have been easy to get the information through WhatsApp if I had my phone with me.

Well, if anyone had asked me what my life would be without a computer before I lost my phone, my answer would have been "I will survive without it," but I guess it was the opposite when I lost my phone. Life without my phone was really tough.

In conclusion, it will be very hard to imagine life without a computer because it has become so important and also a part of the world today that nothing can replace it.

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