My Biggest Crush Ever~ Not a passionate Love

Greetings everyone! I hope and pray that everyone should be in good health and enjoying the best.
Moving forward towards the topic reminds me of the day when I was in my childhood, in my younger days, sneaking a peek into different boys or men with a little bit of attraction due to certain good reasons. Everyone has a heart in their body that contain a different kind of emotions. They can be easily figured out when one deals with you in a polite way or can destroy you emotionally or physically.
I am a great promoter of optimism and this thing injects me with various kinds of good intentions towards others with full care, love, and affection. That doesn't indicate that I am that kind of cheap and light-hearted person, who falls on every single person with looks and beauty.

My first crush ever

If I recall that, I shouldn't be wrong saying that it was a time when I was merely in 5th standard. I was enrolled in a class that was a combined class of girls and boys. As I was a new student, I was subjected to ragging, from the higher level boys and girls as it became a tradition in every school, college and university.
They started torturing me in different ways, teasing me from time to time and making it difficult for me to adjust to the environment. At that time, he entered my life, like a light in a dark room. It was unexpected for me to see a senior taking my side in front of his batch mates and stopping them from ragging. Although he was doing it for all others too yet it felt like he was there only for me. He was a tall figure, bestowed with good looks and a melodious voice
This little act of his made me fall for him completely at such a younger level, yet this attracted fades away when I started growing and understanding things.

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The second crush, King of dreams for many

When I entered the age of maturity, which was in my 9th standard, different feelings started growing and flowing in my mind and heart. It is very common for a girl and may be for a boy too (Never experienced coz I am not a boy), and it is mainly due to hormonal changes. I was waiting for someone who can truly understand me, and make me feel like I am the most important person to him and the one, without he can't breathe out. I was hoping for an ideal person having all the qualities and then I met a person who was exactly the same, I wanted. (Actually, I considered him that). He was like a king of my dreams that really went out from them in front of me.
The major despair was the consideration of him for me, which distracts my attraction for him and pursuing my heart and clenching my fits, I let him go from me.

Image by Natalya Letunova

My biggest and hard crush~The last one

I was merely looking for a good season to watch and to indulge my time in it when My friend recommend to me a famous Korean series, name MY LOVE FROM THE STAR. Many of you must have heard of, or watched this Korean series and I am sure you must be loving it. My only reason to watch it, is the main leading character DO MIN JOUN.


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Whether it was the beauty of his perfection in every field, his care or love, or maybe his affection, It became my biggest crush ever.
Concluding thoughts
If you are a boy and reading this article, you must consider some of these things if you ever want to be on someone's list. You should be caring for others, and helping them, your behavior should be gentle and you should be a perfect example of love and romance.
These attributes can enhance your a chance to be in someone's mind as well as in their heart.

(All thoughts are mine and it is totally original content)

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