I wish I can reenact my childhood days.

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Childhood memories are memories we can't forget,they are memories that last long even when the person is not there with us.
I have childhood friends but I can remember three of them now,I can still remember when we were still living in a rented apartment,I was a little girl then,I became friend with this small boy too,he is a Muslim,we stay in the same compound ,those my childhood friends are all boys,I can only remember I was friend with boys then๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜,I don't really make friends with girls since my childhood days..

This muslim boy was my friend then,we were so close,my dad was a pastor then,I used was because he is dead now,my parent never hated our friendship infact they were close to the boys parent too so we were just like family friends,I loved the company,we play,we went to same nursery school until my parent change my school to another primary school so I left his school,but anytime we get home again we see ourselves and play,you know all those mummy and daddy's play,hide and seek game and so on.
I lost contact with him when we moved to another area entirely,we left there and so I wasn't able to see him again,even when I became an adult I went there but he was not around,I saw his mum and dad and sister but I didn't see him,all the time I was privilege to see them again he was not always around,so that was how I didn't see him again but maybe I will still see him in the future,I don't know yet.

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Another one is when we moved to the new apartment,it was five flats in a compound so those people were occupying one of the apartment,the one next to ours,the boy first liked me though and I returned the likeness by becoming his friend,we became close too ,we did all sorts of things,this game if you know it,who is in the garden game with my siblings and his,also tinkotinko๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚,if you remember this childhood games,it was interesting then,It was fun being friend with him,I enjoyed those days.
We left there too and I lost contact with him, after we left there I couldn't even get in touch with his family not to talk of him,I searched and searched on social media because I can remember his surname and name but none of it was productive,so I just decided to leave his case till when we see again.

And third one is still my friend now,we lost contact then,he was my church member when I was a child but when my dad was transferred I couldn't see him again,but I reconnected back to him 2017,he called me,i was in Lagos then when I received that call, immediately I picked it up I knew who was talking,I didn't know how but when he said precious I knew he was the one,I asked him how he got my number and he said he saw my parent somewhere and they gave him my number,he was so happy to talk to me, since then we've been friends even though he wanted to date me but I said no,he was pained but I just couldn't date him,I had a crush on him when I was a kid but not anymore,I turned him down but we are still friends all the same.

Childhood memories with my friends is something I would like to re-do again, remembering those days make me want to see everyone of them.

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