Youth getting inclined toward crimes

The environment is the worst influencer to direct someone in the wrong direction. Let's glance wide why youth commits crime,

Apart from the environment which is directly involved in making young and immature minds inflict toward crimes. Honestly living in a society where we are motivated for everything. Here I meant each right and wrong thing. Learning from others is vital but imagine everyone is following the same wrong path. What will you do?? Let me narrate a true story ;


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Faraz was a young boy who ran from the home after performing some robbery. Later police proved that he was involved in target killing. In the psychological sickness he attempted each way to get rid of his criminal life. He committed suicide after killing his 2 friends.

Let me conclude his story deeply, he was grown up in a poor family where his father used to give her mother mental and physical distress each day as she was his WIFE(sickness that no one can prohibit you from torture as she is your wife). Such unhealthy environment benefited him to hate each relationship.He concluded that no lady is loyal and marriage is the only name of sexual punishment.

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  • Company;

The point where other your age fellows fascinate you to perpetrate the things which are illegal. They portray these things in such a way that you want to commit anything in the name of adventure. They will misguide you for sure because they are your only guardians. As they knew and listened to you more than anyone. Your friends are your life especially when you are at the peak of your youthfulness.

  • The craze for adventure ;

Craze to accomplish anything just to win against others or to fulfill your own intention. Most of the street crimes are performed only for adventure.


by Fluffy7j

  • Lack of Knowledge;

At youth you don't have learned experience, what you know only is information transmitted from your company. If they are criminals so no one can recoup you from the trap "fulfil your desire bro, we will save you." If it's your first mistake it's going to take your life for sure. Have senses while believing the words of others.


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  • Sense of oneness;

Most of the criminals either regard the burden of responsibility or no dutiful life as the CAUSE of crime. What they lack is the sense of how and why they will have to live life in lockup. They already hate their family so they have no concern how terrible outcomes their family will face because of their adventure.


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  • No law enforcement;

If the law and courts fail to provide them justice they initiate the journey of their own will power. They take everything in their hands and commence a criminal life where money can protect them from police and courts. They have sources that can safeguard them from casualty and prison.


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  • Environment;

I believe no one is born a criminal, but the environment makes him/ her a criminal. In the narrated story of Faraz his father, poverty and company ruined his life. He fell Into a TRAP where he couldn't ESCAPE . He became a working component for criminals. He wanted to exit but he lost direction.

Adventure didn't last long. Escape from a sick family introduced him into another sick company. He hated each gender as few of them showed him the cold shoulder. PREDEFINED Things made him fall in trouble.

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  • Lack of affection;

Behind the scene each person is the rejected fellow. Being contradicted by ideologies and activities. Magama is provoking in each heart and mind. When it's expelled, It's termed as anti social and anti system behaviour. The person who can save this in a better way becomes effective. But the one who doesn't have such companionship where it would be cooled down will perhaps evolve lethal.



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  • Privileges and money;

The poor always commit crime, not exactly. Elite class youngsters are also implicated in this. They freely murder someone as they knew their Dady wealth and resources would protect them for sure.

They are unhappy from the environment they are having, due to lack of attention and time they are addicted to drugs. In this mindlessness they engage in crimes. Wealth encloses their candid eyes. What they do is not in their hands. They are already bored of the environment.


Image by Zvandrei

  • Mental health;

The things which I have talked about earlier are the ones which influence the young minds to execute crimes. But mental health matters primarily. What you think and perceive is crucial.

Any negative thoughts which will mislead you becomes more lethal if the mind is inexperienced. You can conclude that the young mind is blank. Anything which will be fed into it becomes durable.

In youth individuals consider themselves as Lords as they have full energy and zeal. Exterminating others looks reasonable to them. They rely more on their own strength. So at this point no one can restrict or control them.


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It is simple , offer them such an environment, society, company that wouldn't enable them to engage in criminal actions. It is true that we can't provide them with a healthy environment but at least there should be someone who would attend to them. Who would listen to their pessimistic thoughts and will turn them into optimistic?

I can find numerous Faraz in my society to whom literally I found pitiful. But I can't go against the laws to protect them. What I can do is to make this issue highlighted. I don't want another youngster to become Faraz who would shout for companionship on the verge of his depression.

Please take care of people around you, give them time and attention. They are young, anyone can overpower their mind. Then why not make them a beneficial unit of society!



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