The subject which I yearned to conduct

Life familiarizes us with the adequate lessons but why can't we deliver them impact fully to others? Because one can't be modeled completely until and unless one tangles with experience. I longed to teach others life hmm pretty right but I confess that no book or teachers can introduce you to life. You have to go through the scenario.

  • Motive of creation ;

I suppose the Lord has dispatched us here to accomplish the same job. We all consume life and there is a a distinct definition of life for all of us. So yes we have to explore and conclude what precisely is life. Between this scenario blessings, sadness and madness gives you goosebumps but you must have to remain on track to inhale the true ethnicity.

  • Distraction or satisfaction;

Beware women and drugs can take the proper understanding of life , guess why??? Because to some these both characteristics are life but you know

when drugs become toxic and poisonous when you take the overdose.

So you're alive feelings can become lifeless if acidulate will prevail in your life.


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  • Thoughts behind the things ;

After delivering a sermon I am ready to convey my viewpoint on the contest topic "which subject I will teach at school level". For me it's tricky as each day I fall in love with a a pristine subject. And you know when the tangible exam of love starts when you dive deep and then return to let the other know about the depth of that subject. Being a biology student I must teach science to students, which I am doing right now. Science didn't mean chemistry, biology and physics. Geography is also a part of science at primary level lol. This is Pakistan where if you are fluency in english you can conduct everything to students. And I wonder why they are wasting their money on learning from slides hahaha. Some things never change with time and one of them is complaining the system. When i was at the chair i had the same issue and now when i am standing behind the rostrum things are alike.

  • Psychology as an essence of living ;

But I want to dig through psychology with my students. Fun aside when I had exam of psychology as subject I didn't had idea about plato effect hehe. Thankfully other paper questions were at my level and I scored full GPA. So one of the reason behind this intention is my academic aptitude to this subject I know Individuals having master level studies will refute this but I accept your criticism.

To some extent my personality lies in the merit where judgments can't be denied. I am sharp to observe and read the psyche of people but I guess I can't teach this hack to students as it's God gifted hehe.


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  • Psychology as soul healer ;

Furthermore I am aiming to use the language as a human savior. The more we communicate , the less criminalities will come to pass. Suppose communicating about the issue can be regarded heavily while observing the psyche and thoughts behind the things. In accordance with me

loneliness urges the populace commit an act which would become guilt, crime or sin for them.

  • Need of the hour ;

In recent times cases have been documented where students from school level perpetrated crimes in aggression. They have no idea about the offense. Notably few took the stance of suicide whey because they had frustration in their minds. Either they will fill Poisson into their veins at that age to get rid of this exhaustion. Or they will be behind the cages.Because no one is there to listen to them, no one from family and from friends circle. Social life is nothing when its related to mental health .

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So what I think now is to introduce psychology as the soul healer subject. They must realize how to heal themselves of anyone else who is having mental health issues. Sessions should be held to determinate the students

what is body shamming, abuse and offense and how not to hurt the feelings of others through your words and actions.

I know all of us face the violation of our rights once in school time when we were being called fat, ugly, short,black or other slangs. So right now it's the right time to place a full mark on such an attitude. So through psychology we can accomplish such divine acts. I suppose I can influence students in this regard. As a writer, researcher and influencer I am having a desire to strengthen our human ethics basis through psychology.

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