5 reasons why I love Hive


Loving things is more meaningful than loving a person hehe. Things don't mistreat you but a person does hehe no more philosophy. I am going to state 5 reasons why I love Hive ladies and gentlemen here I go😁. I am not going anywhere just move your eyes toward the section below in which you will know why Hive is so valuable to me. But before that you can also partake in this contest I know you would have numerous reasons To show your love for hive here are the reasons why I love hive ;

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  • Source of speech;

Probably everyone here would concede on the aspect that hive gave them freedom of speech. It wasn't effortless for me to share my viewpoints openly as a journalist. But writing on Hive gave me enough confidence that I can proclaim right and wrong very well. Most importantly when you are brave enough to share your ideologies candidly. At the same time you must have the understanding to acknowledge and respect the opinions of others. That's why I love hive. Diversity of topics illicit you to give a credible opinion.

Freedom of speech is diverse from hate speech which is not authorized by hive

( the only way to maintain harmony) .I am all the way more expressive through my writings. I don't have shell or restrictions which will cause a barrier for me. My strong observation is in the form if writing now.


  • Quality content everywhere;

I remained part of uptrennd and noise.cash where plagiarism was widespread. No authorities were there to filter the quality content. My content was also copied and misused and I felt really terrible for this. Plagiarists earned the same reward as the original author did. But thankfully Hive is transparent from everything.

Here you can't do such wrong acts as you are being watched and punished for breaking each rule.

No matter if it's plagiarism or abuse. You can't play an immoral game here.Isn't it's the best feature of Hive.

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  • interaction and improvements ;

In this modern era, interacting with intellectual people is distinct. As social media is filled with filth too. But when writers or intellectual people interact with each other what happens;

  • knowledge is shared
  • Insight about culture is conveyed
  • diversity of ideologies is delivered
  • Likeness in reasoning is comprehended
  • How much you are straight regarding some viewpoint is noticed

For me cultural diversity persisted. Through hive I have interacted with numerous people across the world. Through communication I came to comprehend about unique things. To be honest, multiple of my concerns were rationalized. Outstanding people made me think more optimistically. I am not judgmental anymore hehe. On the ethical side, social media and politics made me believe about the unfavorable aspects regarding foreigners.

But the author always influenced me to analyze the world behind the statements.

The Outcomes really amazed me. I don't want to disturb them by tagging but I have amazing friends from California, Nigeria , Australia, India and many other countries whose nationalities are unknown to me. Hehe, they helped me to improve writing in fact they never judged me because of my nationality, or religion. They suggested good things on the basis of friendship. I learned many things without any discrimination or embarrassment. This means hive is upbringing talent on the basis of ownership. This feature isn't functional on any other platform.



  • Communities and creativity;

Not everyone has a particular grip in one talent. Artists and writers are incompatible. Sometimes writers are also influenced to showcase their talent other than writing. Hehe it's me who is scouring each community. It's an awesome experience to know that there are so various communities.

This provides a straightforward opportunity to demonstrate creativity and talent.

Most greatly when we engage with others we uncover how much our thoughts are related to others. Hive endorses everyone who has talent no matter in designing, painting, cooking, photography, gaming or spreading giggles by writing (I have shortage of words to name all the communities hehe ). Directly I implied that we have diverse topics if we want to showcase our enthralling participation.



  • Investments and earnings ;

Can we skip to the good part lol. Indeed hive is financing many talented peeps. No matter if you are a gamer or artist. You are in the digital world.

From many perspectives hive is accomplishing the best to encourage people.

Crypto is still not common in the ecosystem where I reside. But to show them proof of income is necessary. Holding tokens and powers for the future is the nicest thing. This investment could be more profitable to you in future but only if you are a true believer. Uptrennd blockchain vanished in a moment and all the 1up were having the penny worth that's why before joining hive I was also worried. Thankfully it's the best defi platform where your investments wouldn't be lost.your presence, comment, upvote and posting each and everything is saved in this block hain. You can't have accidental loss (the scam which Jeff has done with all the uptrenndians) keys are saved and you are their owner so no chances of any misfortune.

I love this authoritative content

These are the best features of Uptrennd.I can describe more reasons but only 5 are required but you can share your viewpoints regarding this in my comment section.
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