Back Then And Now

Being a student was one of the most memorable period of my life. I really enjoyed being a student so much. When I was in secondary school, I had just one friend. My girl Jane, was the coolest girl in class. We were so close we would sit on the same sit and go home together. We were very hardworking and our teachers favorite. So going to school gave me a lot of joy back then.


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One of the things I enjoyed more in school then was the mid-week quiz and debate competition in school then. We would all prepare for these interclass debate. The competition was really high and healthy. We all wanted to do better and we read heard just to present be the star of the show. We were not competing for any other than academics and sports.

I enjoyed sports so much then. It was every week and towards the end of second term, we usually have our inter house sports competition. Where the four houses will compete in various sporting activities and games for the first position. School was a lot of fun.

Another overlooked luxury we don't pay attention to is the parental care we enjoyed then. As students then, we had our parents they were always there for us then unlike now where some children don't see their parents until weekend. Some children are being taken care of by nannies and house maids. Parents are too busy trying to meetup with the economic demands and these has exposed children to a lot of social vices.

These days, there is little or no healthy competition among the students. When debate is even organized, they are forced to participate. Students are not interested in reading anymore. They spend so much time on social media and playing these days that they forget their academics.

one thing that was bad about being a student back in the day but students now enjoy is access to information. Students these days have access to a lot of educational materials as a result of the internet compared to my days in the secondary school. Then we could only visit the cyber cafe which was not affordable. And we could not really use the computers well then to find information about sensitive assignment given by our teachers. Today's students just brows with their tablets or phones and get everything needed in a twinkle of an eye.

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On a lighter note, during my time in school, our teachers cloud flog the hell out of us when we do anything wrong as little as getting to school late or not doing assignment but today flogging students is a crime. So I can say that that is one bad thing then but now students enjoy the freedom from the teachers cane.

All these disparities are as a result of development, civilization, technological advancement and growth. The things I think could be done is for schools to bring back these competitions and make it part of students continuous assessment including sports. This will make them more interested in it.

Parents should also try to guide what their children do on social media and censor the sites they visit on the internet just to curb what they do online.

Parents should also create time for their children and not leave their jobs to nannies and house maids. They should get involved in what their children do in school and their personal life's

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This is my response to Hive learners community weekly featured contents on the topic;Schooling Back Then

Yours truly @aunty-tosinπŸ’•πŸ’•

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