A decision forced on me

I have made terrible decisions in my life, those I decided on my own and the ones that were forced on me, I have regretted so many and some have also come out well.
There's this particular one that stood out for me which is my decision to study Education in the university.


After my secondary school education, I registered for JAMB (joint admission and matriculation board) examination to study Mass communication in the university. I picked university of Jos in Platu State. My mum got to know this after the results came out. I scored two hundred and twenty eight and I came home with my result joyfully.

Everyone was happy for me including our neighbors and friends. It was my first attempt and it came out well. When we started talking about the university and the course of study, my mum rejected it immediately.she said she won't allow me to go to the north to study for any reason, that I would rather write another exam the next year. I begged her but she didn't listen. My dad also tried to convince her but she won't have it.

I was really sad and I cried so much but my mum didn't change her mind. I already concluded that I would take the exam the next year before my cousin told me that I could do a change of institution with the same jamb result. I made enquiry about it but I was discouraged because I won't be studying Mass communication but Education. I decided not to go but my mum started again with her drama. This time she was persuading me to go. She promised me everything she could think of including buying me another JAMB form the next year, that I should just try the opportunity.

I started the process and took the post JAMB exam in the school, I passed and was given admission in the school. I went reluctantly just to please my mum and with the hope that I would keep myself busy before writing another JAMB.
I got into school and was studying for JAMB instead of taking my studies seriously(story for another day) My results suffered because of that but as it went on,I didn't know everything would work together for my good.


Thanks to my wonderful lecturers and Friends, I started loving what I was doing. I began to enjoy every bit of it and here I am today. I'm not where I want to get to yet but I'm in the process. I've never regretted that decision since I took it. At times, I wonder where I would be and what I would've been doing if I had not made up my mind to do this. Today, I'm a proactive teacher and coach who is passionate about growth and the success of her students.

What I learned from the whole scenario is that God already have a plan, we are only trying our best but God is the master planner. He said that he knew us before we were formed.

This is my response to Hive learners community weekly featured contents on the topic: Blessing in disguise.
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