One Worst Experience

Hello Hive Learners Community! Welcome to my blog. On the start of 2024, I 'm feeling tired regarding many things. I don't want to keep these things anymore. These things made me disappointed when I needed them urgently. One of those things I have given up is my android phone. Yes, I don't want to keep my current android any more. I 'm tired due to following factors that are too much irritating for me during using my Android.


1. Hanging Issue

My current android is real me C35 but I 'm struggling with this gadget nowadays. Everytime when I opened a game or Discord, I faced hanging issues. Its processing system stop working and I have to close every application I 'm using. Moreover, sometimes application that I was using stopped working and closed itself. It is really frustrating when I have urgent work and my android is stubborn to keep itself hanged.

2. Android Excessive Heating

Sometimes, when I 'm playing a game or recording a video my mobile become hot and closed. It's cooling system takes 3-5 minutes for smooth working. It is really panicked whenever I 'm busy in some important chatting on discord and my mobile is making troublesome for me.

3. Low Quality Camera

I 'm photographer who loves to capture well detailed aspects of nature. I want to click sunrise and sundown closely. Moreover, I want to record my video during any funny thing or during working on some important projects. Blurry video and low quality images put a lot of pressure on my photography skills.

4. Low Storage

After joining Hive Platform, I learned about many projects. I did my best to invest my Hive$ and time in those projects but my low storage android is big hurdle. When I installed an application my android comes with option Low Storage issue. To resolve it, I have to uninstall other Application. It is big failure for my android.

Impacts on my Life

Being a Photographer, V-logger and Writer, I love to share my stuff on Hive Platform. From many months, I 'm struggling a lot with my android. I 'm totally pissed with all above factors I mentioned here. I can't put any more burden on my brain. I want to put quality in my stuff that is only possible with a good android. Hence, I have decided to change my android in the coming month. I shall buy a new android with all the required features that I want.



In 2024, we have advanced androids that are cheap. When I was student, it was hard to arrange a Costly android with pocket money. Now, I 'm young and depends mostly on my earning. I want to buy a new android with my Hive rewards. It will be my best invest that I shall make from hive earning. I 'm fully confident to turn my this dream of new android into reality soon. Moreover, it will be an easy way to get rid from my old android.

This post is my entry for HL Weekly Featured Content Giving Up on one thing. I hope, you will enjoy my post. Thanks!

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