Journey From Science's Blessings to its Evil Face

Hello Hive Learners Community! Welcome to my blog. Science is moving towards the World of Advancement through Technology. No doubt they are scientific wonders that we are spending a more relaxed life than those people who were spending fearful lives in the 10th century. Technology advancements in Science are providing many facilities that are increasing the expectancy of life. Now, we have advanced Operational tools, Advanced medicines, Advanced vehicles, Advanced Ships, and advances in about everything.



With the Courtesy of Science and technology, I'm able to enjoy summer fruits and vegetables in Winter. Our diet has more nutrients now. our operations are more secure now. From the field of Surgery to the field of Sanitary, I've witnessed advanced technology in everything.

Science and God

Some people are still against Science. They think that Science will put them astray from the right path, but they are wrong. It helps us to understand nature and its creators. It is the Knowledge of Observations & experiments that are the foundations for probing for God. With facts and ideas, we become nearer and nearer to God. It is not against religion. Without Science Understanding, we can't progress in any field of life. From the Sun to the Moon and from Quarks to this Universe, God has provided different evidence about His existence that we can only find when we have true knowledge of Science.



Science as a Big Blessing from God

Whenever I look into the current modern era, I am always blessed because we are enjoying many things due to courtesy of Science that were about impossible in the era of our forefathers. No one can imagine that many simple diseases like malaria and Flu have engulfed many millions of people in the past. Now we have many layers of protection from Germs. We have vaccines as an immunity booster, and we have laser techniques for operation to minimize blood loss. Even we have now artificial clouds for rain. We are doing our best to step in on the moon. Still, many things are on the verge of discovery and will remain the basis for most developed human civilization.

Evil face of Science and Technology

In the race of modernism, science, and technology both are crushing human ethics. Now we have mobile and we don't need to sit with our friends and elders to chitchat. We are killing the traditions that were gifted from our ancestors. Many inventions are destructive but still, many scientists and technologists are working day and night on them. They are evil people who are supporting evil things.




God has gifted us unique Gender but we moved against God's will and changed our gender through biotechnology. It looked strange to hear that a girl is changed into a boy and a boy changed into a girl but it is happening in our world. It is one of the most evil inventions of Science.


Cloning in humans has started in some countries. We humans will have our clones that will be similar to us phenotypically. In case of accidents, their organs can be replaced with damaged organs. It is good to try to increase the duration of life on this planet but imagine what will happen if someone manipulates our clone to steal our identification? Clone war on this planet will destroy real humans.

Where there are good inventions by biotechnology. Also, there are bad inventions that are a risk to human survival on this planet. We should promote scientific advancements that are progressive in our Society and Protest against those inventions that are a threat to our Existence.

This post is my entry for HL Weekly Featured Content Science Too Far. I hope you have enjoyed my post. Thanks!

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