Be Talkative in Honesty in Your Hard Time — One Inspirational True Story


Hello Hive Learners Community! Welcome to my blog. Where there is injustice and inequality in a society, there are high chances of Poverty and inflation. These two factors resulted in an exponential increase in crime rate. The fate of such a nation is destruction in economics and even destruction in everything. In my homeland, the crime rate has increased in a couple of years and no one is making any efforts to stop it. Our Judiciary and Governments both have failed to do Justice. To rule over Pakistan, each political party has its group of rascals and Gangsters. If anyone didn't do voting for their party they used these gangsters and rascals for robbery and to frighten these families. It is the main reason, robbers and gangsters are found very common in each city. They snatched public jewelry, robbed people's properties, and kidnapped people. Every day there are many of news about them and no one is ready to take notice of these rascals. Even if you are rich and have affairs with the government, you will get relief from the Judiciary. I'm frustrated and disappointed to see such a bad picture of my country. Although this is the worst situation in my homeland still I believe that everything will change. If we turn some pages of history then we have many instances of such societies where robbery, injustice, inequality, and killing of public rights were very common but their fate changed and they became revolutionized nations of the world due to the preaching of honesty and due to some talkative people. Yes, talkative property can provide relief to us but it should be positive.

Be a Talkative in Honesty

When there is high crime in my homeland, I'm still preaching that we should be talkative in honest. This idea can be foolish for many of us but if you are thinking like this you are wrong. I have many examples of such types of events in which talkative people in honesty impressed Kidnappers and Kidnappers left their jobs of robbery and thefts. They did apologize to God and apologized to the people by giving back their snatched items. We shouldn't wait for honest people, we should follow honesty and I'm hopeful the fate of our society and fate of our country will be changed because the number of honest people will increase and they will rule our world one day. I have an incident to share here and thanks to our history that has many such examples.

Once there was a time when a caravan was moving from one tribe to another for dealing in goods.


From Gencraft

One mother advised his young son who was part of the above Caravan that whatever there would be a condition, he would speak the truth and would practice honesty in dealing.



With this advice, she fixed some amount of money in his jacket and sewed to hide this amount in the jacket. The caravan started its movement but unfortunately, it met with robbers. They not only stopped the Caravan but also started robbing it.



When one of the robbers came in front of the above son whose mother had given some pieces of advice before leaving the tribe and robber started asking,

"Little Son! What you have in your pocket"

The young son first was silent thinking about the words of his mother but later he spoke after minutes,

"I have money in my jacket"

The robber did scrutinization and investigation to find money in his jacket but he found nothing. When the robber found nothing he asked again same question the little son,
"Are you making lies to me? You do not have any money in your jacket."

The little son repeated,

"I have money in my pocket"


From Gencraft

After hearing these words a second time, the robber became angry. He caught the little son, presented him in front of the head robber, and explained the situation of the little son to his head. The head robber asked the same question about the money from the little son and the little son replied in the same manner. When the head robber didn't find anything from the little son's jacket, he warned this kid that they would kill him if he didn't tell them the truth. The little son took off his jacket, removed all the sutures where there was money in the jacket, and provided this money to the head of the robbers. All the robbers who were there were impressed by the truth and honesty of Little Kid. They decided to leave their all bad deeds and returned everything they had robbed from the Caravan.


From Gencraft

This little kid was Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jillani (RA) who impressed the robbers with his honesty and truth. He was too much talkative in these two positive features.


If kidnappers kidnapped me then I shall never keep myself quiet. I shall keep myself talkative in honesty and truth. I'm hopeful that they will be impressed by these features and will leave me on the road. Although the possibility is very less we should never adopt bad things If our society is filled with bad people. We need some honest people and we can make ourselves the first honest man in our society.


In a society where Social evils are increasing day by day, this society will be destroyed badly if we don't change it. It is strange to see that people expected honesty and truth from others but didn't do honesty when they got a chance. Already people Talkative in lies, dishonesty, and injustice are very common hence we should compete with them by adapting talkative behavior to honesty and truth. I hope whether they are kidnappers or they are robbers, can be changed by our honesty and truth.

This post is my entry for HL Weekly Featured Content when you can't stop talking. I hope you have enjoyed my post. Thanks!


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