CUTE Bird Keychain

Hey beautiful peeps,

As it's sunday again and it's beautiful weather here so i was very eager to do something out of the box.

In morning i had a plan to go out with friends for small get together but our plan just ruins because of heavy rain here... Well we are not able to change God's plans🤭.

It's so boring to stay at home especially when you're home alone. So just to kill my boredom i have decided to make something.

After a little thoughts i got idea of making keychain for inspirations i scrolled YouTube alot and at the end i was satisfied with small cute bird. So without wasting time i have started working on this.

So let's start with procedure;

First i have molded clay into a circular shape and the from the one side i have bended some clay with the help of pencil for eyes.

Next i have added eyes and mouth on the face of the bird. For making mouth i have used darkish brown clay. And for eyes i have used black beads.

Next i have used light pink clay and molded it in the shape of an avocado and added some dark pink clay on it for designing.

Next i made wings with same pink clay. For making design on wings i have just made simple lines with the help of clay knife.

Next i made tail of the bird🤣🤣 i gonna call it tail because it looks like tail.
For this i have made same design as the wings and attached it to the back of the bird.

In last i have attached feet to the bird and attached head to the body.
Here's the final look of the bird.

After completing bird i have attached keyring to the head of the bird. But it was looking so simple so i have decided to add something else too.
So i have used leftover clays and made different circles out of that that clay. And then i have attached that circles to the keychain.

Here's the final result of my keychain 👇

I hope you will like the design of this keychain. Share your feedbacks in comment section below.

Stay blessed stay tuned.
Allah hafiz 💖

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