A strong economic progress nation require young generation's blood

Every country in the world is facing different kind of issues. And that's why there is concept of comparison of any country with other countries of the world. So basically every country wants to see itself on the top. And for achieving this goal lots of people sacrificing their precious life without any reason.

But I don't blame the rich personalities of any country. Because it's our fault and we don't have enough power to stand with other people. When we come in this world our parents feed us and we are grown up with the idea that we have to study and we have to get a job. Most parents wants to see their children to become Doctor and Engineer. And they fed their children's minds with these goals. So children haven't have any other choice. They try to do so and some become successful and some don't. And who failed and started doing illegal things like crime, drugs addiction etc.
From all above text you were making an idea that according to me it's parents fault and that is the reason for a poor country.
Nope reality is totally different. It is the fault of our thinking. Our mind is only stick to few things. And that's why we can't dream bigger.

Have you noticed why politics is surrounded by few families in a whole country??
Why always son take charge after his parents in any political party??
Why any other person took the charge of any political party??
Have you ever asked these questions from yourself??

If you don't than you are only in this world to do work, get paid and your life is finished. A perfect example of only four days of life suits on you.

According to my theory, we are not sincere with ourselves. We want justice but we can't outside. We want to successful but by making posts on social media. We want power but what we do we watch movies and dramas and that's it.

I think these movies can change the world only if we change our thinking and we will try to upgrade ourselves. We need strong motivation if we want to bring equality in this world. If we want to end competition in this world and want to serve the suffering humanity then we have to come in front and have to face difficult situations.

I know it isn't a easy task but how far we will bound ourselves. We have to leave our safer zone. We are youth and we have to make our country safe and we have to do this. We can't change the old laws by sitting at home, we have make ourselves strong to come in politics and motivate others to do better for your country.

A small baby steps from today can bring a positive change and if we can't see this change in our lives but I can promise this flare can change the thinking power of coming generation.

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