Scam Under The Guise Of a Police Officer

Hi Hive Learners, See you again on the weekly content of the Hive Learners Community. The contest this time has entered week 17 of edition 01 and today I will re-enter the weekly contest organized by our beloved community. This week's theme is very interesting and very informative for us to write in an article about "Scammer Encounter". I'm sure everyone wherever they are must have experienced cases of fraud, both ourselves and those closest to us.


Image By Clandestino

Discussing about fraud, first I will describe what the meaning of fraud is. Scammer is a criminal act committed by a person in secret which can harm another party. Well, usually this fraud is carried out by people who are already proficient in carrying out this action. There are many things that people actually know, fraud often occurs in our daily environment, maybe even those who commit these crimes are people closest to us.

Well, discussing fraud, I personally have experienced this, but the fraud that I experienced via mobile phones, this fraud happened to my mother right when my mother was at home with me, at that time we were chatting casually with my mother in the family room, arrived -Suddenly my mother got a call from an unknown number, my mother immediately picked up the phone and chatted seriously, a few minutes later my mother's face immediately turned drastically pale and tense.

I wanted to know who it was so much that my mother was so pale and tense that she burst into tears. Well, then after a while they hung up the phone and my mother was crying hysterically telling me that my younger brother who happened to be out of the area was arrested by the police, they made the excuse of my younger brother being arrested for using drugs.

They also asked us to send an administrative ransom so that my younger brother could be processed for release from prison. At that time my mother immediately took me to the ATM to send money to the fraudster, but I insisted on calling my brother's cellphone number until he picked up the phone. Because my mother was constantly crying, I had to take my mother to the nearest ATM, and I kept trying to call my younger brother, and when we arrived at the ATM, my younger brother picked up the phone and my younger brother told me me if he is fine there, my mother immediately feels weak, at first my mother did not believe it but after hearing younger brother voice, mother immediately felt calm. At that time we were very grateful because we had not had time to send any amount of money to people who wanted to deceive us.

Although what my mother and I experienced was not a scam meeting the people in person, and even though we were helped because we didn't have time to give them some money, I think this really made our family panic. This experience really scared me and felt bullied at that time by people we don't know who and how they were.

This is an experience as well as a nightmare that I've ever had, I didn't meet a cheater, but it really made my heart flutter, and what's even more surprising is that this experience wasn't just for me and my mother. I've also heard stories about this case being experienced by other people too, I know it from several people around me. Even now this crime has been growing, the government is now following up and identifying these cases, because there are more and more victims, now the victims targeted by this case are usually elderly mothers or fathers.


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