"Festival Budaya" From Me | Week 02 - Issue 01 |

Hello friends hive learner and friends study , how are you all? I pray that we are all well. First of all I want to say to all my friends that I never get tired of sharing and telling my posts to all of you here.


Well, again and again I never get tired of wanting to participate in the weekly featured content themed "Cultural Festival" Week 02- Issue 01 mutually agreed upon on the discord server.

Aceh is one of the provinces in Indonesia, Which consists of several districts with various tribes in each area. Aceh Province is very well known as the Veranda of Mecca, because Aceh Province is one of the regions, the first time to convert to Islam in Indonesia. In addition, there is some previous history which tells that the province of Aceh was once a gathering place for prospective pilgrims before leaving for Mecca to perform the pilgrimage for Muslims.

Well, in addition to a strong religion, Aceh Province also has a diverse culture in each of its respective districts. Therefore, the Government of Aceh every 5 years will hold a large-scale festival in Aceh Province which is often referred to as Aceh culture Week or known as "PKA".

The Aceh Cultural Week Festival has a special purpose for the people of Aceh, because the Aceh Culture Week festival is held to display or introduce the culture of every district in Aceh Province, both in terms of customs, culinary and cultural arts. Not only that, the Aceh Cultural Week festival was also held to introduce Acehnese culture to people outside the Aceh region, namely to all corners of the region in Indonesia, even to the eyes of the world. This PKA festival event is also held with the aim of improving the cultural quality of each district in Aceh Province, a series of events held with a competition system, for regions or districts that have the best abilities in each competition held. Each region too, will have the opportunity to win this competition, by bringing prizes prepared by the Aceh government.

The Aceh Cultural Week Festival was held in 1958, (Wow before I was born, this event was already held) and the last time it was held in 2018 before the corona virus outbreak hit Indonesia, this festival was held in the center of the provincial city in Aceh, precisely in the city of Banda Aceh.

The Following Is A Series Of Events Featured In The Aceh Cultural Week Festival:

Art performance party, this is an event related to art, for example: dance arts, music. The dance arts displayed at this festival are traditional dances from various regions in Aceh, for example: Rapa'i Seudati, Saman dance, Ranup Lampuan dance.


Rapa'i Seudati Source


images (2).jpeg

Saman Dance Source


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Ranup Lampuan Dance Source


While the art of music is the pride of the Acehnese folk songs, for example: Aceh Lon Sayang, Saleum, Bungong Seulanga.


Aceh Lon Sayang Source Youtube



Saleum Source Youtube



Bungong Seulanga Source Youtube


In addition to art, there are also shown special culinary delights from various regions in each Aceh province for example: such as timphan culinary, pliek vegetable, beulangong broth, Aceh noodles, and even many other culinary delights that are displayed at this festival. So that you will know the diverse culinary culture of Aceh.





Pliek Vegetable


images (3).jpeg

Beulangong Broth Source


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Noodles Aceh Source


Okay friends, that's my semi-weekly content post review about "Cultural Festival", Sunday 02 - Edition 01 which is in my area. Hopefully it can provide useful information for all of you and I really hope that one day all of my friends can visit this beloved Aceh. Thank you for your support and visiting this post @arasiko.


See you in the next semi-weekly content.


Who Am I?

The words Who am I take from one of the famous films starring a top artist named Jackie Chan, this film is called Who Am I ?

I am is a man named Aramiko born in 1993 from Indonesian Country. I really like new things, because it can make me better, add experience, and add insight. One of the new things is knowing, learning and joining this hive.blog. I am very happy to join this hive.blog because I get new things that I did not know before. The posts that I share here are about natural scenery, food, macrophotography, flowers, art, traveling, these are all according to my hobbies and I really like and enjoy them. I also like things about Fisheries, Agriculture and Livestock.


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