Do positive things to prevent boredom

Hello everyone, warm greetings from me, happy activities for all of you, keep up the enthusiasm for writing and keep up the enthusiasm for reading and never bore you visiting my blog. For all of you, I hope you are always in good health and enthusiastic in carrying out various activities. Both in your surrounding environment and for those of you who work far from family. It is very impressive that we can all be together in one community, share ideas, write stories in this virtual world, in one community nest, namely Hive learners. The previous week's journey has been passed, here we will enter the 36th week of edition 03 with a different theme than before, namely "Boredom. Everyone who joins the Hive platform must have experienced something called boredom in carrying out various activities in daily life, but there is many reasons that can make us bored, here's my review.


Image By cottonbro studio

Boredom is one of the characteristics that exist in a person, when he feels something in the environment is getting worse, or in other words the environment becomes beyond our control which does not meet our expectations, so that gradually it will make us feel more and more bored. I once experienced boredom, when I worked at my previous job, starting from work that had experienced ups and downs to human resources who worked not according to the rules. Many things could cause a significant obstacle at work, so that it made me very bored at that time, from my boredom that I had no other activities, apart from working in an ineffective job, that made me decide to look for other activities.

I did a number of things to raise my spirits at that time, the first step I took was to learn anything that suited my needs. Apart from that, I also divert my boredom by watching my favorite movies or playing games on my cell phone. That will overcome my boredom level for a moment. Well, not only that, sometimes boredom can get worse when you think too much about what you feel in that environment.

When all that happens I will do something better than before, namely by looking for a busyness out there. I think this will be very fun, being able to do many things and avoid something that can make us bored, of course. Looking for busyness out there of course you have to sort it out too, looking for busyness does not mean making something that is not good. But looking for busyness to avoid boredom is by doing a positive activity for ourselves.

Well, good friends, that's my opinion and story in overcoming boredom, how about you? Hopefully you can handle it well and certainly with positive things.



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