Respect Is Hidden In The Name Of Volunteering

Volunteering is one of the best jobs in the world. It is a noble work and there is no self-interest in this work. This work is done by a person voluntarily and it is not possible to force someone to do this work. We have different types of people in this world, some people are very good and some people are very bad. Among them there are good people who never harm others and always try to benefit people. They try to help people in various ways and we can call these people as volunteers. Volunteers are respected people in our society and they get respect and love from all people in our society.


I would like to thank HIVE LEARNERS COMMUNITY for organizing such a wonderful contest and I am writing today's post for participating in the HIVE LEARNERS COMMUNITY contest. If you want to participate, click on the link below 👇👇👇


           Today's topic is **VOLUNTEERING**.  I discuss this matter below:


Respect is hidden in the name of volunteering and being a volunteer you can only expect respect. You cannot expect any money or anything else from here except respect and love. Because volunteers can be called those who work selflessly for people, those who help people in various ways without thinking about financial gain can be called volunteers. In every country of the world there are many voluntary organizations and those who work for the people without any interest.

The story of a volunteer in my life


A few years ago, I was standing on the side of the road waiting for a friend of mine. For a long time I stood there for my friend. Then suddenly a old woman came to me and she told me that she was hungry and she wanted some money from me. Then I give some money for food and she is very happy with the money. He blessed me a lot and started crying after receiving the money. I am very sad to see her in this condition and I tell her that with the money you will buy something to eat. Then he left and after he left I was very sad to see him in this condition.


I kept thinking about this and a few days later I went to college and talked to my sir about it. Then money was collected from all the students and according to their ability everyone gave money. We used to distribute all the money among the poor people. We all felt proud and felt a lot better about ourselves for doing them a favor.


So we often all gave money according to our ability and many people were helped with that money. A student of our college was unable to form fillup his final examination form due to lack of money and we helped him with money from our fund. Since then many would contact our college sir in case of danger and we would all try to help him. Thus, while studying in college, my all friends and me tried to help people in various ways. We were all very happy to help people and we were proud of ourselves and everyone loved us.

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