If our next generation cannot live happily, then we will be largely responsible for it

Our next generation will turn out depends largely on us. If we want to educate our generation well then they will have a happy life in future and if we don't teach our next generation well then they will not live a happy life. If our next generation cannot live happily, then we will be largely responsible for it. So we all should think about the future generation and we should make arrangements so that our future generation can lead a happy life. To live a happy life we ​​must give them certain things and I will discuss these things with you today.



I would like to thank the HIVE LEARNERS COMMUNITY for organizing such a wonderful contest and I am writing today's post for participating in the HIVE LEARNERS COMMUNITY contest. If you want to participate, click on the link below πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡


β€Œ Today's topic is The Next Generation. I will discuss today what we should leave for the next generation. Hope you can learn something from this post. πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡

First thing I'll leave




Success lies in the hard work of people and those who work hard are sure to be successful in future. So the first thing the next generation will learn from me is hard work. Those who can work hard do not have to worry about the future. We all know the saying that hard work is the key to success. This is absolutely true because those who have become successful in our world have become so through hard work. So I will leave my next generation to work hard.

The second thing I'll leave

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Honesty and Patience

It is not enough to work hard because we have to notice whether we are doing good work or bad work. Hard work can be done for good work and for bad work. But we all should strive for good deeds. So I want to leave on the integrity of my next generation. I want them to be honest so that they can earn in future honestly. To stay on the right path, they must be patient. Because he has to face various problems to work in the right way. So they need patience. So after hard work I want to leave on honesty and patience to my next generation.


Thirdly what I will leave

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The greatest wealth of the world is knowledge and this wealth never ends. Every human being in the world needs to acquire knowledge and people without knowledge are equal to animals. So I want to leave knowledge for my next generation. Because only by acquiring knowledge they will find their success and they will be able to lead a happy life

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