My Hobbies

My hobbies.gif

A hobby is usually defined as an activity that people perform in their free time. However, I would define hobby as an activity that compels us to pull some free time for its performance. Hobbies refresh us when we are tired of the hectic routines. They give us pleasure that boosts our energies for moving with greater strengths in our lives.

There are several hobbies one can be involved in including singing, dancing, reading, writing, gardening, painting, sleeping, chatting, poking nose into others' matter, backbiting, gossiping etc etc. (Don't look at me like this….! Aren't there people who are very fond of teasing other and gossiping about them? They prefer back-biting prior to any other task… It's their hobby, isn't it? 🤓). I think there can be as many hobbies as there are people. Everyone has one's molded version of a particular activity that is counted as one's hobby.

Coming to the topic precisely, let me tell you what my hobbies are. There is not only one hobby I am stuck to. Instead I have a set of activities that I love to perform. However, there are somethings which I would prefer over the other I have the choice to select any one. Here is the list of my hobbies

Watching Television.

I had been so fond of watching Television since early years of my life. I not only knew the schedule of various programs, but also about the directors, writers, producers of drama serials. I was so addicted to watching Television that I wouldn't miss the prime time drama during my exams either. However, it is the story of old days (when I was unmarried). After getting wed, this activity no longer remained my preferred hobby. I still love to watch T.V dramas and movies, but I don't find enough time to be involved in it.

Drawing and Painting

This is another hobby that I do not perform very actively now, yet I still love doing it. My hand starts making designs whenever there is a pen and paper in its reach.

When I was single, there was no vacation period that went without drawing and painting. I loved to give handmade cards to my loved ones. Besides, there are several painting of mine are hanging on the walls of my mom's house.

As of today, I neither have a peaceful place to do proper paintings nor I get enough time. Here 👇 is a piece of my art that I painted about 9 years ago.


I gifted it to my husband. There is a hidden calligraphy in it with my and my husband's name (can you read it? 😇)

Home decoration, cleaning and Organization

Okay…… This is the hobby that resides with me today even with greater intensity. I have always loved to organize rooms, drawers and cupboards. It gives me immense pleasure to make my living areas clean and beautiful. The chaos and disorderliness makes me anxious and unrelaxed. I feel like I can see the disorderliness even behind the closed doors of the cupboards and drawers. So, I always take time to organize them. It is because of my this skill that I am able to manage a lot of things in small space available to me. Just have a glimpse of a drawer…


And look at the door of my cupboard how I organized my handbags..


These images are only a glimpse. From my room to kitchen to refrigerator things are organized the same way.


Aaaaaah! It is an activity that couldn't be parted from me. No difficult time or hassles could snatch from me this pleasure. I am a reader since ever. How far my memories can reach I find me in love with reading.

I don't know where I got this innate interest in reading. There is no one around me who loves reading this much. There were not many books available to me when I was a child. I read everything whatever was available from any source be it a news paper, novel, digest, magazine etc. When I was a primary class student, my brother was three academic years ahead of me. I not only read my books but of his as well.

I would like to mention here that I enjoy reading more when the writing is in my native language. I have read several books on fiction, non-fiction, science and history. This hobby of mine has even helped me combating and overcoming the darkest period of my life.


I am here on Hive as a blogger, do I need to emphasize on that writing is my hobby….😇?

Yes, it is my hobby as dear to me as my kids. I am fond of writing since my childhood. Initially, my writing was displayed in academic activities like writing essays and presentations. I preferred to prepare my own notes for all the academic courses.

During my adolescence, I started composing poems and writing short stories. Here are some diaries that hold my compositions


Later, during my graduation I got prowess in writing research papers, and now……….. I am involved in the best version of writing (are you thinking what is it? 🤔). It is none other than blogging 😂. It is the best version of writing because it gives me opportunity to express myself fully. It makes me a deep thinker and a keen observer, as I consciously think about the ongoing happening deeply. It in turns makes me visionary, mindful, and wiser. Writing for the blog gives me a deeper understanding of myself. When I write and organize a draft, the random thoughts get a concrete shape and I can see about me what I would otherwise miss. Moreover, when I get the feedback over my ideas, I become able to take and understand things from multiple perspectives. In this way, blog writing is helping me to bring a better version of myself each day. It is why, I love this hobby a lot.

For now, that's the story of my favorite hobbies, 😊 what about yours….?


The divider is taken from Hive learners Discord Server.
Some images are mine.
Header edited by me on canva

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