My Favorite Food

Food being the basic need for life has its undeniable importance in human life. Though food is equally important for all the living organisms on earth yet human being the most creative of them keeps on bringing innovations. As a result we come across a variety of flavours and tastes that fascinate our taste buds. Some tastes are so delicious that we want them to eat beyond our hunger. One of such recipe is Chicken Fried Rice.

The tender rice with mixture of vegetables and seasonings is so delightful and sumptuous a meal, at least I would never like to skip. I don't have any reason for why I like this food so much. Perhaps, it offers the flavours that are in accordance to the desires of my taste buds. Hehe.

Though chicken fried rice is a Chinese dish but I would like to tell you that we, the Pakistanis, hardly adopt any foreign food as it is. We edit it with our own ingredients. The recipe of Chicken fried rice I am going to share today is also an evolved version of the actual recipe , whatever it may be. This is the recipe I follow in my kitchen.

Are you ready…? Here we go….

Chicken Fried Rice


Cabbage1 medium size (300 gm)
Green capsicum2 big
Green Onion with leaves4 to 5
Peas peeled1 cup
Chicken boneless150 gram
Oil3/4th cup
Black pepperAs per your taste
SaltAs per your taste
Chinese saltAs per your taste
Soy sauce4 tbsp.
Vinegar3 tbsp.
Chili sauce1 cup
Yogurt1 cup
Rice2 cups


Preparation of Vegetables
πŸ— Cut all the vegetables into fine slices except peas 😊.
πŸ— Boil peas in a separate pan and stain them out of the water.
πŸ— Now take a pan. Add oil, salt, Chinese salt, black pepper and boiled peas to the sliced vegetables.
πŸ— Heat the pan on high flame. Keep on mixing the vegetables with a spoon.
πŸ— After 3 to 5 minutes, add soy sauce, chili sauce and vinegar to it. Now how much you have to cook depends on how tender you want the vegetables to be. Cook until the tenderness of the vegetables reaches to your desired level. Because my husband doesn't like half cooked veggies, I cook them for more time.
πŸ— When vegetables are ready keep them aside.

Preparation of Chicken
πŸ—Put chicken, 1 cup water, 1 tbsp. oil, salt, Chinese salt and black pepper in a pan
πŸ— Cook it on medium flame until the water is dried completely. Make sure the chicken is completely tenderized.
πŸ— Shred the chicken into pieces.
πŸ— Mix the chicken in the vegetables.

Preparation of Yogurt seasoning
πŸ— Add half teaspoon Chinese salt and half teaspoon black pepper in the yogurt. Mix it well.

Preparation of Rice

πŸ— Rinse the rice and soak them for 20 minutes.

πŸ— Boil 8 cups of water in a big pan. Add 4 tbsp. salt in it.

πŸ— Add soaked rice into the boiling water.

πŸ— When the rice are partially tenderized, strain them through a rice strainer.

It's the time for layering and mixing everything

πŸ— Spread some of the cooked rice in the big pan.

πŸ—On the rice, spread 2 spoons of chili sauce, 3 spoons seasoning yogurt and half of the cooked vegetables.

πŸ— Spread another layer of rice over it. Then spread another layer of everything else on the rice.
πŸ— Spread the remaining rice on the top.

The last steps
πŸ— Put the pan on the stove and cover it well so the steam may be produced.
πŸ— For 3 to 5 minutes, keep it on a high flame. When the steam is produced lower down the flame and let it cook for 15 to 20 minutes.

πŸ— When the rice are completely tenderized, the juicy flavorsome Chicken fried rice is ready to serve.

That's the way my favorite food is prepared. Try it at your home and let me know how did you like it. ☺

P.S. I am extremely sorry for being unable to provide real times images. If I knew I would be writing this post, I would take the snapshot when I cooked it the last time πŸ˜‡.

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Image source by takedahrs

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