
Long time ago, I composed a poem in my national language, Urdu, in which I expressed a desire of becoming some bird that would be flying high in the sky.

I often used to think what if I was not a human but some other animal. Lolz. It was a thought coming out of the desire to escape the challenges of life.

Life of a human, filled with responsibilities and expectations feels quite tiresome at times, doesn’t it?

However, my idea of becoming any other creature is something of the past. Now, I smell a sense of ingratitude in such a desire.

If my creator chose me to be a human- the creature for which all the other creatures are created, how can I think of demoting me to a lower level. Isn’t it ingratitude?

The gratitude, on the other hand, demands me to find the meaning in my life. I should be thoughtful of my presence and the purpose of being sent to this mortal world. I should be finding ways to prove me a human who carries a special element-the soul. Shouldn’t I?

Well, these were the thoughts that came to my mind when I read the topic of the Hive Learner's featured post. So, my answer is I don’t want to be any animal.Nevertheless, I can present some thoughts about my favourite animal.

Throughout the history, different animals have been used as a symbol for various things. So, there is an animal whom I would want to imitate symbolically. And which animal is it? None other than our MIGHTY EAGLE.

Eagle has so many qualities that makes it worthy of emulation.

We all know, eagle has got a sharp vision. The vision provides it the focus and power of evaluation. I wanna be like an eagle in a sense that I have a vision that I can clearly determine my targets and evaluate what it would take me to go for those target.

Along with being visionary, the Eagle is patient. Instead of seeing and attacking the target at once, it waits for an apt time.

Then it comes silently without making a noise and achieves what it flies for. It doesn’t need to speak for its presence. Its actions speak for themselves.

The eagle doesn’t eat the dead meat. Instead, it always preys for a fresher target. I symbolize this quality to an attitude where a person doesn’t desire for being dependent on someone, but has the courage to achieve the goals on ones own.

A quality that makes the eagle drastically different from other animals is its ability to counter the challenges bravely. It doesn’t surrenders to storms. While other animals are in search of the shelter, it utilizes the storm to give it the strength to fly higher.

In other words, the things that other see as obstacles is used as an opportunity by the eagle. At the end of the storm, the eagle is above its prior position.

Another thing that I love about eagles is that they are independent and committed simultaneously. An eagle doesn’t need a group for its security. It is brave enough to go for achieving the target alone.

Nevertheless, the Independence doesn’t mean that it doesn’t care for others. The eagle usually makes a partner for the life time. Also, it gives care and strict protection to its kids unless they are capable of protecting themselves.

In conclusion, the animal I want to be like symbolically is Eagle. However, I am grateful to be a human.


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