Dark Circles and Dreams

Looking at my face in the mirror gave me a bad feeling. The dark circles Around my eyes were the reason for the feelings. The first thought that came to my mind was, β€œI need to sleep well.” This thought was instantly followed by another thought, β€œwould it be possible for me to fulfil my dreams if I start taking enough sleep?” To me, the answer is in negative. If I want to pursue my dreams, I cannot sleep enough to get rid of the dark circles. Even if sleeping adequately for a few days would help fading the dark circles, they would return as soon as I start working for my dreams again. So, it is Sure the dark circles and dreams would remain the companion. It does not seem possible for me (at least now) to let go one and keep the other. Either both of them would vanish or both of them would retain. Now the choice is mine, but do I really have a choice? πŸ€” Seeing the dark circles around my eyes makes me feel bad, but living a life without dreams would make me feel dead. It is far better to feel bad than to feel dead, isn't it? So, the way is clear to me. I know quite well which path I have to travel.

The dreams that we see with opened eyes keep us awake. Those dreams give us the courage to face the hassles, hindrances and negativity that come along our way. I remember the day when I was scolded by my mom for awakening the whole night. The following day was the last day for the submission of an important assignment. I had to keep awakened to finish it on time. When my mom found me awakened past the mid night, she scolded me with the words, β€œLook at your eyes. How intense dark circles you have got.” Lol. Dark circles have long been with me to rind me that there is a cost for seeing the dreams with opened eyes.

Travelling on the path of dreams is not easy at all. At times, we even have to face the opposition of our loved ones, simply because their eyes are unable to see the worth and values of our dreams. They only see the dark circles and are worried about them.πŸ€“.

At times, our brain wants to abandon us on this journey. It tells us about the senselessness and uselessness of our dreams. It discourages us by telling us the price that come on our way of dreams. The silly brain….! It only knows how to dream with closed eyes. It just knows how to do the ordinary acts. It is only the heart that has the power to see beyond the limits. It is only the heart that is the source of dreams with opened eyes. And it is only the heart that gives the courage to bear the dark circles. πŸ˜‡

If you want to pursue your dreams and travel smoothly on the chosen path, I would advice you to strengthen your heart and let it take over everything including your head. The journey would become easier for you.

Along the way you would find some other passionate person of your kind, as I found @ayesha-malik encountering the dark circles while pursuing her dreams. She stated in her post Am I a boy

these are my dreams not dark circles"πŸ™Žβ€β™€β€ I gave straightforward response.

What does it mean? It means keep travelling on the path of your dreams is important. You would soon find that you are not alone. The likes will accompany you making the journey fun-filled.
What about the dark circles? Well, embrace the light that you get out of your dreams and take the dark circles as a shield of pride πŸ˜‚.


Image by simphiweX

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