The Most Useful Features in New Hive-Engine

The expected change has come to the Hive-Engine. It is working very well now. A few newly added features may attract more attention of users...

After the change a few tricks caught my eye...



It is so good to swap Hive-Engine tokens at once. That is my one of favorite feature in new Hive-Engine...


Liquid Value

It is so good to see liquid value of your assets.. You can see your liquid value of tokens and maybe you can add your liquid to pools... It is good feature for who flow their liquid tokens to pools..


Trade History

You can see who sold or bought tokens. It can give idea who is regular buyer or seller...

It should be updated to show us trade volume. It is not working now. There should be a longterm chart of tokens... People may see the rugpulls clear..

Regards: aliraza43

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