Good day hive learners, hope we had a great day?
Our topic for this edition two is really preparing us and our generation to come for the future.

Like really? What I would like to leave for my next generation and will be tangible and beneficial to them? Well if I will answer this question I will like to start with...

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First, a good legacy. There is this popular saying that says "a good name is better than silver and gold". Many of our past heroes have laid a good legacy and till today we still mention their name, and there is no place their children will be that people won't recognize them for good because of the good legacy their father have made.
Permit me to mention one that have laid a good legacy for his family. His name is Obafemi Awolowo from Nigeria. This man, during his lifetime gave free education to both the rich and poor children, things were easy when he was the leader, he reduced the level of illiteracy and till today his work still speak for his children. So the first thing I will leave is a good legacy.

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Secondly, I will leave them a well constructed family company. The reason I said this is because job is not so easy to get nowadays, if you are not well connected to well known people your children will have to suffer to get jobs even if they have the best certificate in the world. Again, some people will always want you to see them as God when they provide your needs for you and when they ask you to do something for them in return and you refused, they will be like... That work you are doing don't forget I was the one who provided it for you and even more threats when you refuse them.
But if it was to be the father's own job/company nobody can challenge them.
With this, they can earn and have more in their bank account and even create more jobs for graduates.

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Thirdly, to put them in the line of God. Many children born in a wealthy family thinks this happens due to the fact that their fore fathers worked really hard for it but not remembering the fact that it is God who says amen to every of their prayers, and as they too will be struggling, they must look up to God who is in the highest authority to say amen to every of their prayers also and to bless the work of their hands.

Remember to represent your family well any where you find yourself.
Thanks for reading my post.😘😘😘

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