Good day hivians, this will be my first post in this community.
Life is about struggling to be among the best and being among the best will cost a lot of stress and sweat.
Everyday, people keep struggling to make daily needs and keeping for future. A lot of people gets it in the hard way while some gets it in an easy way and many keeps struggling day and night to save for the future but ends in vain.

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Most times, I look at babies and I wish to be like them because everything is been provided for them but adults provides for themselves, which means they have to struggle and pass through a lot of stress and difficult stages to make daily needs.

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Reaching a greater height cost a lot of struggle and will make one have experience about life.
Most people don't have the freedom of their own because they are indebted to someone and this happens at times when they are lazy and can't do things with their own hands.

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If you are too big to serve, you will be too small to lead. Many people do not want to start small, they think those at the top did not pass through any stress and one thing about life is you have to start small to be great.
Everybody cannot be rich because all fingers are not equal but everybody must learn how to struggle.
Many believe in spending from their sweat while some are dependant.

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Though stress after struggling is not always easy because at times we go to bed with body aches and heavy burdens but if one wants to become great in life, one will have to learn how to serve, work and be patient

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In conclusion, we have to take good care of the body after a strenuous day and eat good food to replenish energy, take proper medications and have enough rest so to keep working for the future.
Thanks for reading my post.

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