Rejection through relationship and how I cope with it.
Good day hivians our topic for this first week wants to really teach us on encouraging ourself when we are rejected when we don't expect, and with this we have hope of better tomorrow.

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Everyone in life have in one way or the other face different challenges and have either provided solution to it themselve or the solution is provided by another person.
If someone fails to rise after a fall then it means the person is a total failure.

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Some years back, I remember how I was rejected in my relationship. I started dating this girl when I was in my final year in the secondary school. We loved each other then because we were both teens and doesn't know much about relationships but we were dating all in the name of "my friends are doing it".
In the year 2015, I gain admission into the higher institution she was happy for me and I was happy too. The following year she too was admitted into the same institution which nears our love story continues and will grow each day we are together.

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Throughout, Everything was going smoothly between us not till when I was in my final year and she was coming with different behaviors, she started giving me attitude.

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Many people have died either by hanging theirselve, drinking poison, or jumping into the lagoon all in the name of "why is this happening to me? Why am I been rejected always?" well that is not the way forward at all, you don't cut your head off your neck just because you have headache.
The lady I am talking about left me and I thank God for the people around me. I love them so much, there is no dulling moment when we are together.

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I explain all that happen to me about the breakup and immediately the make me forget all that have happened to me, they make sure I am not staying alone so I won't brood. The only way I overcome any form of rejection from anyone or organization is through my one and only family. With them, no dulling moment.
Thank you all

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