Ease working hours on our computer or phones

Good day hivians happy weekend to everyone, our topic for this edition really wants us to tap from one another and I am here to write on how I cope for hours pressing my phone and at the same time gazing at the system for hours.

(screenshot from me)

The model of my TABLET is Huawei media pad T3 10 and what I enjoy doing most on it is video games as long as I have full power on the TAB non-stop but most times when I play video games at night I see I stress my eyes so much, especially when I am feeling sleepy but what I do this moment is switching to EYE - COMFORT zone which will lessen the light and brightness of the TAB. So if your phone have the eye comfort icon just switch to it. The red arrow pointing to the icon.

I don't really work when I am on the system also, it just for me to switch it on and the next place I visit is my video Icon but I just reason working hours on the system and driving for hours too is quite the same. And if you check my profile very well you will see that I am into driving.

If I am not diverting, the first step to take before driving a car is sitting at comfort so that you won't start stressing your hands and legs and feeling body ache while driving and if I should take this to sitting behind a computer for hours I think one should also sit at comfort. You sit tall, align your ears and think of making yourself an inch taller than the steering wheel, so you must sit also while typing or working on your computer for hours.

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Most drivers feel sleepy whenever they are behind the wheels because they are not too engaged while driving. Tilting or turning the steering is one of the equipment that makes a driver engaged while driving and so if I take this to working on computer for hours I will take the mouse as the steering of a driver. If one is working on computer for hours, don't only drag the mouse with just one hand but if you have the chance of using the two hands use it just as drivers place their two hands on the steering wheel.

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Most drivers are found of stressing their neck, and when they reach their destination, they complain of neck ache. I think while sitting behind the computer one should make the head look straight at the computer. And also try to rotate your neck to the left and right while working

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While placing hands on the steering is should be in an angle 90° for you to be able to stretch them when you feel slight pains and I also think this should apply to a computer operator also, the hand should be placed on the keyboard in 90°
Try to raise the shoulder towards the ears and lower it back.

Do not sit resting on one leg for example sitting in a crossed-leg way. This will put the power of sitting on one leg and this may not allow blood to flow through, make sure your back too is resting on the seat giving to you.

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Another thing that prevents a driver from sleeping behind the wheels is talking to his passengers. So if you are a computer operator working for hours, try and give yourself break if not too much, talk to your other colleagues at work but don't forget you are at work return back to work as soon as possible to prevent query.

Well this is all I can reason on placing the two besides each other, thanks for reading my post.

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