God day hive learner's. Hope we are all good? I want to share my own cure to a particular disease if I have one.
Disease kills fast if not attended to before it reach its final stage.


If I had the chance of creating a cure for a disease I will create the cure for the sickle cell disease.
I have heard stories of children dying, leaving their parents behind because of the sickle Cell blood disease.

They fall sick everyday, their parents will make so much efforts on them so they won't die but in the end all the efforts will be in vain. At times they spend excess money on hospital bills just to make sure they are healthy.

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As I said I heard stories of it. But in 2018, it happened to someone so close to me. Her first child, a lady died because of the sickle cell. This lady was so beautiful but in the end the parents lost her in the cold hands of death. They spent so much on the hospital bills.

Again in 2021 from the same family, the second child also died, a male child because of this same sickle cell disease. The mother have been sad since the death of her two children. She had three children, two died because they where sickle cell patients leaving just one child for the family.

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Another one I can talk about is a guy also in my street, he just graduated from the University. He also died because of the sickle cell blood disease.

At times the sickle cell blood disease is deceiving. People looks healthy at times to other people out there but the are really battling with the disease struggling to survive.

If I really have the chance to produce a cure I will actually produce the sickle cell disease so children will live with their parents.

Thanks for stopping by to read my post.

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