Tackling sugar consumption.

Hello everyone

I hope you all are doing fine. As you all know that sugar is present everywhere in today's world. Starting from the obvious sweet items to usual food which even doesn't taste sweet. A sweet dish, item, dessert is always enjoyed by everyone. Despite knowing that excessive intake of sugar can lead to diabetes, obesity and even heart diseases, many of us still struggle to reduce the intake.

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I know it is much difficult to control your sugar intake. My father has a diabetes but still he likes sweets. I am not saying he doesn't care but if provided he will not hesitate to eat sweet items. Sweet dishes have a unique kind of attraction which no one can resist.

understanding the sugar Challenge

Let's reflect on why is it important to control your sugar intake. An educated mind will be having enough knowledge to understand it but for those people who aren't much aware, excessive intake of sugar makes your brain release dopamine which makes you feel good for a certain amount of time. In this way it acts as a stimulant too. By the time you get addicted to it as your mind might start craving for it like a usual drug. Also as I mentioned earlier that sugar is present even in those items which seems to use sugar free or they don't have a sweet taste which makes it really difficult to control the sugar intake.

Some strategies to reduce sugar intake

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  • Labels on food items

Whenever you got to market and buy some food item, there is a label including ingredients of that item. You can always have a check on it and prefer those items having least amount of sugar in it. I don't know many but still the terms for sugar are glucose, fructose, honey etc

  • Choose natural sweetener

A natural sweetener is something which gives you same sweet taste in your consuming items but with a less amount of sugar present helping you greatly in your resistance. They are mostly beneficial for your health, but still if you are a patient you might be protective with these as well.

  • Planning your meals

Planning your meals in advance can be a great help in controlling your sugar intake. Like making the meals at home with a controlled amount of sugar is far better than eating at a restaurant where you won't be knowing about the ingredients.

Enjoying sugar free drinks

In today's world there is a variety of soft drinks present. And especially our teenagers are attracted to those with a high amount of sugar in them. I have personally experienced that my friends won't even touch a drink with less sugar in it. They call it sour, bitter, dry for their tongue. To be honest I also don't like sugar free items and I don't drink those but I have a control on my intake of those sugar including drinks.

I sometimes have my own methods to make a drink which is sweet but still containing a very least amount of sugar in it. Like adding some slices of fruits or berries in water makes it so tasty. Also I think coffee lovers at a great advantage to reduce the sugar including drinks intake.


I know reducing sugar intake is a hard challenge but still it isn't impossible. It is tasty and enjoyable for a limited amount of time and has worst long term effects on our body. You have only two options, enjoy the sugar filled items at their fullest and spend a major time of your life struggling and starving for sugar items (incase you get a diabetic problem). Or make a controlled schedule, applying the strategies above and enjoy it lifetime.

Well, that's all from my side.


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