Is illness not a good reason?

It was a dark night and a long road, above was a tall guy walking, deeply grossed in his own thoughts. A car was about to hit him but he didn't moved a inch from the road, the car driver passed by abusing him in the loud voice but looks like he wasn't having any concern with that thing. Was he this much hurt?

Image from pixaby

I was so excited for my best friends birthday event because every time I manage it and I always try my best to make it the bestest birthday celebration. Same for that time I made all the things done like booking a venue, arranging all the presents for him as a surprise and also a beautiful watch which I personally bought for him.

We were together for 5,6 years and we always had each others back in any worse conditions. No matter what he always stood behind me and so was my condition. We helped eachother so many times and never counted that again because this is what friendship is about. In essence we never had any quarrels or mean things in our friendship. We were pure from all sides.

I think these reasons are enough to provide why I was doing this much effort for his birthday to be a best event. He always liked the way I surprise him on his birthdays, he also does the same on my birthday events. But it is not a kind of payback, I will be doing that even he never celebrate mine.

Finally the day arrived but the God had other plans. I woke up and felt severe pain in my belly. I tried to call my other friends to inform but none of them picked the call nor responded. I got in an insane condition , again laid down because I was unable to move even an inch. When I again woke and watched the clock, it was just an hour in his celebration. I somehow got up, reached the nearby medical centre to take some med and got back to the room to prepare myself for the celebration event, even I was still feeling the pain but I couldn't miss that event because I knew he must be waiting for me to cut the cake.

I reached there half an hour late and saw everything was normal, everyone was having cakes in their plates, passing smiles to eachother and my friend upon seeing me came to me and said, hey where were you, you are never on time, you always do things like that, you are a loser, blah and blah and blah. I was even in doubt that is he the same guy..

This hit hard because we've always been there for each other. The blame changed the vibe from a happy celebration to a sad letdown. It left me wondering: Did my effort not matter because I was late? Did one mistake erase all our good times? I told him about my severe medical condition but he still was blaming me for everything... I did every possible thing but in the end ...

Image from pixaby

I just walked out of the hall with a mind full of questions. Also I never wanted to be a staring point of so many people who were always jealous of our friendship. The hall was not much from my place so walked by feet. I wasn't seeing anything around nor I had any sense of feeling. I just wanted to reach my place and get laid on bed again

I did understand many things from the event that no one is understanding unless you show them your 100%. It doesn't matter who they are to you. Your physical or mental state never matters unless you show them apparently. I still sometimes had doubts in my mind that how could that happen. He was the best one I got.

Or it might be my mistake to get ill at that same time. My fate is so bad which caused this all. What is the reason in front of you people? If you have any suggestions or opinions based on this write up, you are all welcome in the comments section. I always respond.

Well, this was all from my side.



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