Hello family,how are you guys doing? I have been busy and went MIA for days now. I hope you have been holding up without me? Haha. I missed you guys.

I came in and I saw this task on hive learners on technological advancement. I love it and of course I am hopping in if not late.


My favourite technological advancement is in the field of medicine.

It is always a marvel how medicine meets its challenge.



Have you seen a patient with a very low volume of blood left in him or her and the doctors are to carry out an operation? These doctors demand for a blood transfusion. But for religious purposes or fear of having complications from that transfusion, some patients refuse. This always gets some doctors unhappy. I was in that situation when I was pregnant with my second child.

After many explanations to convince me to take blood, I told the doctors that they do not need to waste time any further, because I was already bleeding. I asked them to commence the operation without blood transfusion. I need no blood transfusion, I said to them. I showed them my health card that says no to blood transfusion in any form.


It is a signed document that is never missing in my purse,that even if I am unconscious and unable to speak for myself,no blood should be transfused into my body. However I have names of alternatives to blood transfusion that I might accept.

I only ordered for an alternative to blood, like erythropoietin injection and refused all medical procedures involving even the use of my own blood except hemodilution or blood salvage procedures. When erythropoietin is injected into the body, it goes into your bone marrow to produce red blood cells.

These doctors made me sign a consent form, that if I die, I was the one that instructed that no blood be given to me. I prayed to God and signed. My husband was out of town and I can't ask my friend who took me to the hospital to sign on my behalf. It's a decision I needed to make by myself.

Did you know that the operation was successful without blood transfusion? Before the operation, my PCV was according to them, very low but two Doctors performed the operation and God, through the technological equipment and advanced medical procedures, used the Doctors to save me.



This is another marvelous advancement of technology. God made it possible that when a man lies down with a woman, both contribute gametes, male gamete called sperm and a female gamete called egg. These two fuses together to produce a zygote. The zygote or fetus grows in the womb for nine months and is born into the world.

But the advent of technology has made delivering a baby very easy and safe, compared to the olden days when my grandmother would be going to farm and give birth on the farm road, no hospitals to take proper care of the fetus, not many qualified nurses to perform the delivery. Fellow farmers run to their aid and help them push, wrap the baby and farming activities continues 😂. No good food for the mother, nor adequate care for the child.

No wonder many old people talk about how they had given birth to Seven children and only one survived.

But advent of technology in child care has brought about

  • Family planning procedures
  • Antenatal care, ultrasound machines monitoring the condition of the baby,
  • Cesarean section if need be, the baby is removed from the womb through operation
  • Inducement procedures where a mother whose expected delivery date (EDD) is overdue and is induced. Before long, she goes into labour and delivers the baby
  • Incubator facilities where a baby born prematurely or sick can be incubated and made to stay in a confined environment that looks like a second womb with optimal environment for continual monitoring. When matured or well, he or she is given back to the mother who had waited with much anticipation.


Here people with eye problems are cared for. I know some people,not one, not two, hundreds, if not thousands whose eye sight has been improved by science. A woman had a child that is cross-eyed, this always embarrasses her because everywhere she goes, people look at the child and even mimick the child.
Today that child has our normal eye, it has been corrected with advance medical procedures abroad she could see well again. Her squint-eye is healed and she has her glasses too.

What is the medical technology in eyeglasses that even if you cannot see well, the moment you get your glasses, you begin to see well again?

I use eye glasses, my own case made me so happy with technological advancement in medicine. It's been four years since I started putting on my glasses. Before then, I found out that I was constantly having headaches. I visited hospitals to find the cause and solution. I have used several drugs, no way. Until one Doctor sent me to go see a neurologist. The neurologist did all his physical examination, exercises on me, tests and so on, he found no real cause for my constant head-breaking aches. 😂. At last, he sent me to an ophthalmologist.

After some examinations and tests, the ophthalmologist recommended an eye glass for me.

Did you know that till date, I do not suffer from headaches any more? If I do, it's probably because I didn't put on my glasses for days or weeks, but when the headache comes, immediately I reach for my eyeglass, just give it 5minutes or 10minutes,my headache will disappear. It looks magical but am telling you the truth.

So each time you see me with glasses, just know that I have headache and already doing something about it. 😂 😂 😂


If I continue to give you reasons why medicine is my most favourite technological advancement, this post will be in more pages. Even you the reader have seen some situations where hope seems lost, but God saved that life with the help of the Doctor's technological equipment.

However, as much as these advancements have been made in the field of medicine and many other fields, I still will not forget to ascribe credit to our maker. He gave the designers of these technological tools the brain to develop them. The human brain is still far better than a supercomputer. But without mincing words technology advancement has really improved lives.

What is your best technological advancement? Let's see yours.

Thanks for reading and for the visit. I appreciate.


Blood card and the last image were from my Infinix note 8 phone.

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