Many years ago, my family was greeted by the presence of a distant relative.


The mother of the girl was my father's Aunty. According to her family, they heard that our King wants another wife. What's our business if the King wanted another wife?

Well, in those days, I don't know about now, when the King of my village wants a new wife, he points to the family he wants. That family dare not say no. He is not kidnapping their daughter, but he will send his King's men to go and make his intention known and marry the lady for him.

Most times, the family in question feel so honored to be a potential in-law to the King, so they do everything possible to convince their daughter to marry the King. It will bring her fame and power, I guess.

However the girl or lady in question may have been in a relationship with another man and have the right to her choice partner.

That's was what brought the distant relative to my house. Her family claim that there are speculations that the King would come for their daughter. Although the lady is beautiful in form and shape, but I do not see why they think the King was coming for her, She had to run out of the village leaving whatever School or business she was doing, behind.

Well, my family provided her with the shelter and refuge she needed and she was made to remain indoor most times, for fear that some villagers could visit the town and find her in our home. That would spell trouble, thank God I was very young, the King would not have me as a replacement though. Hahaha

One day, I asked my Father what is wrong with marrying a King? He said it's their choice not to, especially when she has other wives to contend with and that the girl's family may not want to be involved with some spiritistic practices that goes with being a King's family member. Who knows? Besides she may not even be the last wife, more hunt could take place after some years.😅

In that hide-out of my house, where she found peace, my father decided that she cannot remain indoors or shut down her life because of what she wasn't sure of. It was taking long for the King to finally see a wife, or to hear that he is finally married. So my Father asked the lady what She does in the village. We found that she was a petty trader, although done with secondary school, with good grades.

My Father told her that it is better she finds an admission into higher institution and start Schooling, rather than stay in a hide-out, at least the institution would even be far away from home. She was delighted to hear this, my father was ready to sponsor her. She sent for her Mother who was a widow and they were very happy to hear the news.

But when asked what she would love to study, so as to know how to begin the admission process, the lady chose to attend a Police College. She wants to be a Police Officer.


I guess to be able to arrest any one still in the habit of marrying girls without their consent, hahaha.

For real, the admission process was fast and from my home, the Lady went to Police College. She arranged with my Father, not to go to the village for any reason until She graduates as a Police Officer. A few times she had to visit home for provisions, she came to our home to get it. My Father was always sending her money so as to avoid traveling. My family not only protected her from the King's wife hunting; which we weren't sure if it existed, but made her a respected officer of the Law. She is now a big girl in Police force.


When She finished her School years later and went to the village for a visit on her Uniform, I heard many people couldn't believe their eyes. They were shocked, grateful, thanked and prayed for my Father.

Unfortunately, years later my Father died. We took his corpse to the village for the burial. That Lady never showed up for his burial nor called any member of our family to sympathize with us. Her Mum and siblings said she was on a course and wouldn't want to break the news to her. It's been 14 years my Daddy died, no call or message from her.

Just four years ago, her grandmother died, (her Mum's mother). Some of my siblings who were around attended the burial with my Mum. No matter what, they are still my Dad's relatives. Since my Dad was no more, my Mother insisted on attending the burial, to represent my Dad and fulfill all righteousness.

Did you know that the Police woman was at the burial? From the story I heard, she greeted my Mum but Mummy ignored her. One of her siblings drew my Mum's attention, saying "Mummy your daughter is greeting you".

Mummy told her not to call her Daughter. That she didn't come to the burial for her sake. It was then the Lady knelt down begging that she knows she has offended, not just every one in my family but even my deceased Father. She mentioned how she broke down when they finally told her the news about my Father's demise but the work in her station didn't allow her to come, and when she saw that so long time had passed, even without her calling, she didn't know where to start her apology.

"So it's better to ignore and not show care right?" That was the question Mum and other onlookers asked her.
People could be very ungrateful in this life. She bought a good wine for Daddy when she got her job anyways but should she treat the news of his death like that? Mum accepted her when she came to our house, we all embraced her and Mum supported Daddy to train her in Police College even when we had three members in the University at the same time. How could She repay Mum like that?

Well, I learnt everyone who heard or saw what happened at that scene blamed her, if not for anything, for the reason that my Father was her benefactor, she ought to show care. People encouraged her not to beg there in her grandmother's burial but to come home and see my Mum. But Mum said she has left her in God's hands, her job and the Uniform will constantly remind her of my Dad. That was enough judgement. I guess She is naturally like that, She didn't show up again in the house, thank God no one is depending on her for anything.

This prompts brings to mind the death of my dearly beloved Father again, who died in this month of March some 14 years again. He is long dead, but his good deeds and memory lives on.

Thanks @hivelearners for the prompt. I am glad to see this and join in.

Thanks guys for stopping by.




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