Tough times never last, but tough people do. My hardest experience in 2024 that turned to joy.

2024 itself is a very good year that comes with so many difficulty. We thank God that we have excel up to this moment. It has not been a year that comes with easiness. This is a year of the survival of the fittest. If you don't know what you are doing, you will be defeated even before the battle begins.

This is me during the Thanksgiving in church on Sunday.

I know that for sure I have had quite a number of difficult things that I faced, though some seems impossible to conquer and some seems very possible to conquer. There are some that I have defeated and there are still some that I am still believing God to overcome and rejoice at the end. But I still have one particular one that have not been easy for me when it came but thank God that it has become history now.

At the beginning of the year I was so happy looking forward to the end of the year when I will become a graduate. But as we keep drawing closer to the time, I soon became troubled because there are so many things that I don't know how to meet up with them. With the way things are becoming so expensive in the market I was thinking that I might not have the money to pay for my school fees and all the registration fees. The school fees was for first semester and the second semester we will still pay affiliation fees. Even long after the first semester when we came back for the second semester, I don't still know how to raise both the money for first and second semester. I see this as one of the hardest thing that I faced this year. When I started schooling, things were not as difficult as it is now. So, payment of my fees and other registration was not much a problem for me. I paid with easy, but now the reverse is the case.

That particular one led to the other bills to be paid in the family. We had a lot in our hands as a family. The kids were in school. We have the family to take care of, we have bills to pay for both house and for light. All of these were accumulating, so I felt that as a mother I can't even think of myself when we are going through so many financial crises. And no matter how much we make a day, it is never enough just for feeding. Day on day out the bills were growing and I just gave up on my own school because I don't know where to turn to. All my friends that I could meet to ask for financial assistance were at that time going through their own challenges and I don't want to add mine to theirs.

This is me signing out of school.

This continued until one day we were told that for those who have not paid their school fees will not be allowed to write the coming exams and their names will be pasted on the school notice board. I came home devastated and worried. It was written all over me and I don't know who to turn to. Not my husband and not even the kids because they also need us to send money to them.

I thought of just relying on God and if at any time things get out of hands I will carry myself and go home and kiss my education good bye. Such decision was very hard for me to take. I had to do that to encourage myself before I will get BP. I was just waiting on God one faithful morning when I was given a cash gifts that settled all my fees and the remaining bills for the two semesters. I had to run and pay before I could temper with the money. I return all the glory to God Almighty who made all things possible at his own time. Today I am a graduate just waiting to collect my results for which I have gone through alot. Last Saturday been 5th of October was the day I signed out of school and then Sunday been 6th was our graduation thanksgiving / ceremony in the Church. This is like a dream to me. I never saw it coming. The Lord did it and it is marvelous in my side.

In conclusion, what God can not do does not exist. If you believe in God, he will answer you when the time comes.

This post was inspired by the hive learners community contest for week 134: edition 2- Hardest of 2024.

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