The ability to Gain or Loss Weight depends on the situation around you

I'm beginning to wonder if there are people that will admit that they added weight, especially if you are from my own side. Friends you are highly welcome back and do have your seat because we have a long journey ahead of us.


Well, I know that this may sound funny, but I must say that must people that I know around me have all lost weight, then what do you think about me? Hahaha 😂. In my area, we are not talking about Gaining weight, but we are all saying that we have lost weight that we don't know when and how to recover it.

Hmmm! I don't know if I should be the one to answer that question oh! But let me try. Starting from 2019, during COVID-19, alot happened that up till now we have not regain from it. We were compelled against our wishes to stay at home without doing anything to get money that one will be using to take care of needs. It consumed almost that year.

Secondly, we come to another year when all our students stayed at home for almost nine months. Salaries were not paid, so it was as if everything stood still. No movement. Remember that at this time we were still trying so hard to come out of the problems that COVID-19 brought to us. Boarders were closed, no foreign materials came in to the country. The prices of things went up and life became very tough for the common people. At this point, I know that only the politicians on the top never felt what was happening in the country.

Thirdly, we moved to cashless economy or cashless policy, I don't know for them oh! That one to was an additional unnecessary problem to us in Nigeria. The government was not prepared for something and they introduced it. It all landed on the poor masses.

So, in all of these when one can hardly buy food in the market to eat. When it has become impossible to use the little money you make to even eat once a day. How can one Gain weight? I can't see that happening. It has been from one stage of losing weight to another stage. I kept mending my clothes to fit me and I am tired of doing it. Because by the time you finish mending thinking that I can use the dress now, you will still be faced with another hardship that will further reduce your weight.


Yes, of course. I have learnt alot from the last three years experience. I have learnt that no condition is permanent. No matter how rich or poor you are today, a situation can come and clear wether your poverty or riches. I also learnt to rely on God. If it has not been God, I don't know what will have happened to I and my family in these last three sweet bitter years.

To conclude, I want to say that in every thing that happened to a man, there must be a an advantage and disadvantage. I have gained from the advantages and also learned from the disadvantages.

This post was inspired by the hive learners community contest for week 66 edition 1, titled; Weight Gain or Weight Loss

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