Loan Given can make or mar a Life

Given of loans is a risky game, because anything can happen. The person collecting it may have good intentions while collecting it, but may end up not fulfilling the promises made because of one disappointment or the other. So, for no should I ever give loans to anyone because I may end up having serious problem with the person in question. Loan have separated friends and made them enemies. Loan have caused family members to become cat and rat praying bad prayers for each other. I don't like collecting or given out loan.


I know that it may sound funny, but that is who I am. What I don't like I don't encourage it. We still have people who pay their loans without given you any problem. I see loan as eating your tomorrow.

I am going to be sharing a story of my friend who is into loan given business. She have a group that contributes money and look for people who are in dear need of money and give out to them. They in turn will pay the loan with interest. But it has caused her more grieve with both the people who are contributing and the people collecting the loan, because most times the loan passes through her to get the the people who needs it. She also has her own share from the money when the loan is paid back.

Most times she will end up sleeping in police station because of the money she didn't eat and can't even pay back. Some people will just collect the money and leave town. Some will collect and encounter problem on their way to invest the money, while some will collect the money knowing very well that they can't pay back, but will use the money and pay children's hospital bills or school fees. All of these factors have contributed in sending my friend to police station to produce they people that have collected loan and can't pay back. Some of them even leave town.

Not all are able to pay. Some who are sincere will plead for more time and will later pay back. But some who are wicked will even leave town and move on living my friend to suffer for what they have done.

Life is all about learning one lesson or the other, that is the very reason why I don't like given out or collecting loans. I prefer to manage what I have and if any of my friends is in need I will help with what I have instead of given loan.

This post was inspired by the hive learners community contest for week 66 edition 2.
Thanks to everyone that hopped in.

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