Bimbo Ademoye and Josh2funny, my best comedians


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Nigeria is blessed with lots of comedians. I know that we have comedians all over the world, but maybe because I fully understand what language the use as Nigerians, I love their comedies. I have read some of our post here and I come to realized that we indeed have talents. Great talents. May God bless our comedians 🙏

Comedy is one of the movies that I love watching because it keeps me happy all the time. Even when I am not watching, it may just be a phrase that I will remember from it and I will start laughing alone. Sometimes my children will ask me, mummy, why are you laughing? I will just respond and say don't worry about that I just remembered something.

Because of the ups and downs of life, sometimes I prefer to rest while watching some of these comedies just to keep body and soul together. You know that feeling that makes you want to give up on something or someone, when I start sensing that feeling coming, I will just look for a nice quiet place and start cooling off by watching comedies. But the truth is that I don't watch just anything from anyone just because I want to laugh. No, I make sure that I watch something decent. Because I might be watching and my children will want to join me. So, because of that I am very sensitive about the movie or comedy that I watch.

I have watched several comedians who have in one way or the other affected me positively. But I have a special love for these two comedians. I can't just see the advert of their new comedy anywhere and pass without getting to the root of it. Their comedies keeps me going. It gives me all the vibes that I need. Whenever I am watching their comedies, I don't like people disturbing me. I can let go my food just to watch them perform.

SIBE - In the person of Bimbo Ademoye, and Josh2funny. Maybe I should take them one after the other.

Sibe: Bimbo is one of the comedian that I can pay anything just to go and watch her perform. Her acting skills seems different from that of others that I have watched before. I have watched where she acted as a tailor who just spoils people clothes and will never accept that she is wrong. She burnt a customers clothe and when she was asked what happened she replied thus: as I was ioning the cloth, the ion not me ohh burn the cloth. All effects was put to make her realize that she was the one that burnt the cloth, but she insisted that she was not the one that burnt the cloth.

In another episode, she acted as a therapist. It's Barakat teropi section. This was another funny comedy for me. She is just hilarious. She acted two different person in one place. Is just like, how did that happen. She is sited here and also sited opposite herself. All that she said did not even bother me much. But one of the things that kept surprising me all through as I watched that comedy was just how she was able to appear in two different places at the same time.

Josh2funny - this is another funny character. In most cases he act as a woman, and you can hardly know that it was not a woman but a man who is acting up. He loves saying things in such a way that makes me very happy. He said something like - it was in Ibadon that they started scare city, and there was only a car per city because there was no packing space... It will just continue like that and you will be following thinking that he is making sense, but when you get to the end, you will discover that he is just saying rubbish making it sound real. At the end of that Comedy, he said " even if you fall, you can still rise because I fail and rose. As he is acting, he fail down and when he rose up he was with 🌹 rose flower in his ✋ hands. Just saying what don't connect together. But the seriousness in his face will make you feel as if he is saying something serious.

Though there are so many comedians in Nigeria that are doing very well, but I just love to talk about these two people.
Happy new week to everyone.

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