A lot of fantasies in my head as a child.

Hello friends. Welcome back to my blog this beautiful day. What a wonderful topic by the great hive learners community. Is a great thing that some of us have dream dreams and yet fulfill none. Hahaha 😂.

Bruna Saito

The title is - dream Job. Well is so easy for a child to have up to ten different things in mind, it could be because of the child naiveness every job he sees someone doing, he will wished to do it in the future. Before I move on with my own story, let me share with us my experience with my child. Years back when it was still the NEPA that distribute light. We were unable to pay our light bill for that month or two. NEPA came to our house to cut down the light, my little boy of four years just looked at the way the NEPA officer was climbing up with their ladder and said to " mummy, when I grow up I will buy a Big ladder and use it to be climbing up to cut people's light". I just started laughing. This is how small the mind of a child is. He just sees this one today and it looks good, he will say that this is the one. But when he sees another one tomorrow or next, he will change his mind.
Back to what I said about myself. It was also the same thing with me. I desired to do so many job as a child; doctor, once we get to the hospital and I see them with their lovely white clothes.

A seamstress, when we go to a tailor to make new clothes for us. All I just wanted was to make new clothes for myself without wasting time. Hahaha 😂.

A driver whenever I see a lady driving her fine car.

Teacher when I see a smart one. You know that it is not all teachers that looks smart. Some teachers when you see them, you will hate their profession.

A fish seller when we get to the market with my mum to buy fish. I will just imagine how I will have the whole fish for myself. Hahaha 😂.

A pilot when I see any air plane flying. The list is unending if I should continue. But when I grew up a little I fail in love with the Job of a medical doctor. I love seeing female doctor when ever I visit someone at the hospital. So, I so much desire to be one of them. But that was just a mere dream that will never have any pushing to force it out. I lost all of that when I left school at a very tender age.

I was only wishing to be a medical doctor, never a teacher that I am today. Those days we later discovered that the reason some teachers don't dress up well is because they are not well paid. They don't eat good food, their children don't go to good schools because of that. So, I hated the teaching job with passion. Besides, I don't have the patience to teach you something twice. If you can't learn fast, then I can't teach you. All of these disqualifies me from being a teacher.

As I went back to school later, wrote my SSCE exams. The school for teachers was the only option. Reason been that the school is located in the town where I live with my family. It is also cheaper for someone like me who needs to quit all that I am doing to face education. I couldn't have afforded an expensive school. So, that which I hated with passion is what I am doing today. I now enjoy teaching children. I love the fact that I impact knowledge to the next generation who will take over from us.

This is all I have as regards to this week's title for hive learners community contest.

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