Too Much Pressure, Yet I Remain Steadfast

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The words from society, culture, family, and friends frequently influence the decisions we make as human beings. All these inputs result in social pressure.
This influences how we act and the choices we make.

Societal pressure plays a vital role in our life, it might be positive or negative. But the negative influence is mostly widespread nowadays. Although we can establish our own opinions, whether to follow the dictates of others or follow our paths.

Although it's challenging to make our own decisions when our peers are doing something else.
I could remember how I have been feeling pressure from my high schoolmates, through my higher institutions course mates and to date.

Many of my close friends from high school have been earning money illegally since they graduated. At such a young age, they already live lavishly. Six guys made up our peer group back then. Only two of us were unwilling to participate in their illicit money-making.

They indulge in scamming people online, they live a wayward lifestyle, and they used to visit the most expensive restaurants in town. Flirt with pretty girls, and drink different types of drinks. A lot of people love their lifestyle because they have some cash at a tender age.

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I was unable to adopt their negative outlook because I always followed my mother's advice on earning money illegally.
I occasionally considered joining them to blend in, have fun, and earn some money while still young.
At that time, I tend to reduce my self-expression, because I feel under pressure to live up to others' expectations, rather than pursue my goals.

I deleted their contact information and removed them from my social media pages so that I won't see their extravagant lifestyle living on the internet. This helped me to be focused.
I got admission into higher institutions thereafter.
I met another set of friends. I make sure I watch out very well before choosing my friends.
They are the set of people that are focused and intelligent.

I discovered along the line, some of my serious friends are having issues financially. They thereby joined the big boys in our department. They taught them how to make money illegally as well. Those guys told me that I'm missing a lot. They told me with the level of my intelligence, I could make millions of dollars within one year if I join them.

Even though I'm having a hard time resisting at the time due to my current financial situation. Despite my parents' best efforts for me, there are some crucial things I lack. Being pleased with what I have made me the type of person who rarely feels pressured.

I believe that the majority of those who give in to peer pressure do so because they are unsatisfied. They desire to live beyond their means. Some people gave in to societal pressure because they wanted to show off.
However, I made it clear that I would not be joining them. They would make fun of me for missing out. I wasn't moved by their showcase of expensive devices and phones.

Then, to relieve some of the pressure from my peers, my brother purchased an expensive phone for me.
Most of my friends bought cars during this period.
When the pressure was too much for me, I consulted an elderly man to advise me.

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He advised me not to put myself under pressure. They will shortly be detained and punished by the law.
He made me realize that everyone who has accumulated wealth unlawfully will eventually sell the properties they have gained to those who do so legally. I accepted his explanations after he pointed out ten examples to me.
This caused me to change my perspective, and as a result, I no longer feel obligated to comply with any lifestyle or societal expectations.

By developing a strong sense of personal convictions and values, as I discussed earlier. Pressure can be resisted. Be sure to surround yourself with supportive friends and family as well. Watch the peer group you want to associate with and their style of life. See if their thoughts match your goals.
Ask elders or councillors for advice. I believe that these strategies will help us combat the harmful effects of peer pressure.

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