Reading Ahead Works Like A Magic

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The greatest method to get ready for exams and tests is to be aware of the best preparation techniques that work for you. I've enjoyed reading and solving math problems ever since elementary school. This has been part of me, up until I was admitted to high school.

I discovered that the subjects at the secondary school are more comprehensive than the elementary school.
I learned that secondary school subjects are more comprehensive than primary school subjects.
I changed my regular reading habits from tackling arithmetic problems every day to reading a variety of subjects.

I created a reading schedule, which was quite helpful.
I have a variety of strategies for test and exam preparation. I was able to succeed in every exam I took because of these steps.
I will discuss those methods below:

 My Exam Preparation Tricks

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This also works for me like magic, I would gather the past 5-7 years' exam papers for each course. I would make copies and would use them alongside my reading.
The questions will give me a clue about the area of concentration. But if I didn't have up to 5 different years, I wouldn't be okay with it.

Before the exam, I used the previous exam questions as a guide and resource. Some professors repeat questions from past exams out of laziness. While some professors work hard, they will manipulate all the questions from past exams.
But I would read every aspect of my course and prepare very well with those past questions. It works for me

  Writing Of Codes On My 

I make use of codes to remember some explanations and to list some points. Some exam questions will read 'enumerate'. To ensure that none of the list's components is overlooked. I would begin writing some codes with the first letter in the list. I would utilize it to create a code.

For example, enumerate the 7 days in a week.
The answer is Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

I would generate code like this ' MTWTFSS'
I would master this code, so whenever I see a question like that, I would use the code to solve the question.


I set a time frame for revision that is reasonable. I determine how much work I have to do and how much time I have to do it. Then I would divide it into manageable portions. I spend a few hours a day revising, and switching up different courses. I used to read from 3 am - 6 am or at a late hour from 11 pm- 1 am. Because everywhere will be calm then. I love reading in a cool environment.
This strategy always prepares me ahead of exams.

    Organize Tutorials

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I used to organise tutorials for my coursemates, I would teach them what I have read so far, and we would have group discussions. They would also share their knowledge and everyone would learn.
I realised that the more I teach one course, the more knowledge I have on that course. This has been another trick I used to prepare for exams.

In conclusion, I always read ahead before the exam day, and this has been the key strategy I have used to pass my exams.
Waiting until the last minute may prevent me from completely covering all the information and may cause worry and anxiety.

 Thank You All For Reading.
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