My Vision For Hive Blockchain Advancement

Ever since I got here on Hive Blockchain, I have never been disappointed at any upgrade made here and most of the upgrades are for the best of everyone to have a smooth blogging site. I have been to many platforms and I can say Hive Blockchain is the best platform, they know how to do things accordingly without anyone losing their earnings or account.

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Though it's a gradual process, I would like to see some good upgrades here.
I have seen so many upgrades here on Hive and I can say that we are almost there, we are almost at the perfect point where we can chat and relate with anyone across the nation.

I have heard some people talking about private chat on Hive Blockchain, and I also know that peakd has some upgrades like that where we can chat with people aside from commenting on people's posts. It wasn't everyone that knew how to operate on peakd I am used to ecency and it doesn't have such an upgrade. Despite that, I still love using ecency.

The upgrade I am hoping to see from Hive Blockchain is voice chat or call. There was a day I read someone's post and he made a lot of mistakes in the article. I outlined all the errors in the comment section, and the person wasn't online to see the correction. It took 3 days before he came online to reply and correct the mistakes.

Assuming there is something like a call section, I would have notified him so that he could see the correction on time. I know you all must be thinking if that could be possible, but yes it is very possible because in any platform I think it is important to have such an upgrade, not for anything but for emergency purposes.

If such an upgrade is on Hive Blockchain, it will make engagement on people's posts to be fun. I remember the neoxian discord group. We always chatted there day in and day out but some of us got tired of typing easily because after working for a long day typing for so long can make us more stressed.

So one day someone suggested a voice hangout. I was online but I didn't join the conversation but I was listening to people's voices all over the world, which was fun to me.
Along the line people start singing which makes the hangout more fun for everyone, voice chat is a very interesting way to improve people's engagement, that is my belief and I am sure Hive Blockchain is working on something related to voice chat.

When some people discovered that they could make a post by doing a video, it relieved them from typing for a very long time because talking is easier than typing, that is also my belief. I don't know how it is for some other people.

For example, it won't take up to 5 minutes to compose 500 words with audio messages. But if we have to type, it can take us up to an hour to draft. I'm trying to express that I wish this ecosystem's comment area could support audio chat.

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