Exploring The Consequences And Benefits Of Open Borders

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Migration from one country to another would sound interesting to everyone and we all would like to witness it. But I'm sure we'd also forget to think about the consequences if we had a world without borders.

I have only travelled outside my country twice, the first was a visit to a neighbouring country. So I use ground transportation. Another way was air transport.
I visited Benin Republic and Sierra Leone.

My Experience With Borders

When I visited the Republic of Benin for construction work, I saw with my own eyes how seriously each nation takes its borders.
I grew up in Nigeria, a West African country. As we got close to the Nigerian border, many armed soldiers and paramilitary men were present.
Everyone was thoroughly searched and there was no objection to a thorough search.

Both passenger cars and commercial vehicles were searched, commercial vehicles are searched more thoroughly than passenger cars.
The security agents would ask you where you are headed and some friendly questions.

When we arrived at the border of the Benin Republic, the security agents there conducted the same thorough search that we encountered in Nigeria. Then I realized that borders are not a joke for any country.

    The Benefits Of Open Borders

Ease of Migration: It will be easy for anyone to migrate from one country of their choice to another.
So I can move from my country to my dream countries which are the United States, Canada and England.
I am sure many people living in African countries will easily move abroad because of our greedy leaders here.

Even if I can't afford a plane ticket, I'll take the road to my destination. And whenever I get to a place where I can't go by car, I can now use air travel.
Although it may take a few weeks, I will eventually reach my destination.

Opportunities For Advanced Foreign Investment

Investors will be encouraged to make commitments in countries with open borders if they can enter or exit whenever they choose without having to go through many government formalities because it requires less organizational effort.
This can have a great positive impact on the local economy and promote the development of the country.

  It Enables Financial independence

Many people work hard and are even educated, but there is a lack of job opportunities in their country. My country is also an example of this. The lucky ones and the children of rich men only find opportunities to travel abroad for better opportunities.

People will be highly motivated to work hard and get the right documents if they can go to another country in search of a new career and a better future.
However, with closed borders, people often lack the desire to improve, as they will have little prospect of a better future.

  Consequences Of Open Borders

Enables illegal imports: Many countries will have problems importing illegal substances such as hard drugs.
Despite strict laws against illegal substances, drugs arrest several people in different countries every day.
If the borders were open, it would attract a lot of smugglers and increase crime in the country.

Large-Scale Migration Of Unskilled

A lot of unskilled labour will migrate to the country and many of them will find it difficult to get a job.
while some immigrants may have relatively high skill levels and find employment quickly.

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This will affect the country in the long run as the population of unskilled workers will be higher than that of skilled workers. This will lead to lower wages and a lack of innovation.

Emigration Of Skilled Professionals

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This is one of the biggest disadvantages of open borders, especially in African countries.
It is one of my main concerns, early last year in Abuja, Nigeria. Saudi Arabia and the UK were interviewing health professionals and many were granted visas and left the country.

Some have migrated on their own and some have trouble migrating due to one thing or another but almost every professional wants to migrate to earn better payments.
Now, if all the professionals migrate only to the health sector, who will take care of the citizens?
That would be a big challenge.

In conclusion, there are pros and cons to open borders, but I like how each country closes its borders to ensure security and many other important things.

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