Analyzing Salary Equity In A Diverse Workforce

Everyone can't have the same payment, simply because the nature of our jobs is different but the difference shouldn't be much. The reason why I said the difference shouldn't be much is that we all have equal rights even though we do different work.

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I will be discussing some jobs that require special payment below.

Health Workers

When we talk about health workers, the likes of doctors, nurses and so on. They go the extra mile to make us healthy, what I mean by they go extra miles is that some of those people working in the hospital see a lot of things that could make they sad or probably unable to focus but still they don't give up, and that is why they should be paid very well because their job is too risky, they take a lot of risks to treat the patient.

Imagine those surgeons, they go the extra mile to make sure their patient doesn't die when they operate on them. Shouldn't they get a better salary after saving lives? I guess they should. And another one is their nurse. If the nurse didn't take the right prescription for patients after the doctor is done, the patient might have complications and once that happens they will be blamed for it, so shouldn't such people have good pay? I guess they should.


When we talk about teachers we should all be happy to support them because without teachers we can't have the knowledge to read and write, without writing nobody can be an expert at anything that has to do with reading and writing.

Teachers taught us everything we know now and they create time to connect with every student they come across. So they should be well and yet they are not recognized in any organization. Teachers should be paid very well because without them we will all be illiterate.


When we talk about Engineers they know everything about engineering generally and without them the world won't be civilized the way it is now, some of them deal with electricity which is very risky, even at home some of us can't fix a common bulb not to talk of bigger electricity that can serve the whole street.

Some of them deal with building construction because they are the ones drawing the structure of the houses we all live in now.
Without them, we all won't have a roof over our heads so people like them too should get better pay for making the world a better place for everyone to live.

Everyone is doing great in their job line, we all can't be in the office, still those people in the office are trying as well because if there are no people inside the bank there won't be where to save our money.

Let's now talk about our Information Technologist, for example, the cyber security, the programmers and those who secure our accounts, without those people all our activities online might be hacked or we might lose our money to fraud, they make sure to keep our data and privacy safe so that anytime we log in our data is intact.

They should get paid very well because it is not easy to focus on the screen for a very long time.
Every work is important because they all serve a purpose for everyone. No work is easy to do, even those working in the factory are doing their best as well.

If people should get paid for how stressful their work is, we all can't get the same salary because there is no easy job out there and there is no work that is not important.
People should get paid according to their line of work.

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