Weekly Featured Contents Week 04:- Edition 02:- For Love

Love is a combination of two hearts where one rhyme and the other share two things. One is knowledge and the other is love.

There are different types of love. Since love is being discussed here today, I think we should talk about all kinds of love because love for father and mother.
Love for Husband and Wife Love for Teacher There are many more kinds of love because without love the world is useless because there is love for each other. This world is still intact. If love was lost then the world would be ruined

The main seed of love is faith. A small thread is made of love. There is trust in each other so the relationship of love is intact. Love never fails love never fails love never fails

The love of parents is always a responsibility and duty for the child.

Today we are going to discuss how to book our loved one well and what is our moral duty towards him. If my loved one loves me then I will not hesitate to give my life for him but he should take care that my I will not demand anything from a man I love that will not be within his power or will be difficult for him.

Many people may know that love is not a natural grief but real happiness without giving up. It is a little hard for oneself to be happy. One has to face various problems in order to be happy. If there is no fear in carrying love, the juice is not intense

There are times when we have to cry for love because they can't get together for different problems and their relationship can't last. Love can't keep him tied up. Tears can never be tied up. We hope to live a little but when he pushes away he goes into deep darkness so we will learn to value natural love

Give life for the one you love. Love cannot be judged by money

Thank you so much for visiting this little block of mine.

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